Gamecock Fan

Does anyone know the title of the book Zolomon was reading? I wonder if there's a clue there. Personally, I've always suspected Jay and I'm thinking it's either the case that Zoom is actually from Earth-1 and is Zolomon, or that Jay Garrick from Earth-2 becomes Zoom when Caitlin finds a way to restore his speed, and

It's entirely possible, and potentially even likely, that the Harrison Wells we see in Earth-2 is still actually the real Harrison Wells, and not Eobard Thawne impersonating Wells. In fact, the lack of Barry as The Flash on Earth-2 makes me think it's very unlikely that Wells is really Thawne, which would mean he is

Did anyone else notice the Lou, Karl, and Sonny scene in the Bingo hall was an homage to The Dude, Walter, and Donny relationship from "The Big Lebowski"? Karl and Walter are the worldly conspiracy theorists, they even both bang their fists on tables in frustration. The Dude and Lou are the pragmatic voices of

- "You didn't know me. Then you fell in love with me. And, now you know me."

I just re-watched this episode and I'm pretty sure that, after Princess Caroline's new assistant, Stuart, calls BoJack "BoJark Houseman," Diane also calls him BoJark. In the next scene with her and Mr. Peanutbutter, she says, "I gotta go, BoJark's gonna be here any minute." Definitely missed that one the first time

Birdman didn't make the list?

Didn't he say "cripes sake" not "Christ's sake"?

Can we pause for one second to savor how gorgeous the super-speed fight sequence at the beginning was? WOW!!! This episode was amazing from start to finish and I'm incredibly psyched to see the rest of this season.

I feel your pain about the massive undo, but I think it should be somewhat tempered by the fact that not everything was entirely undone for everyone. It was just undone for everyone who isn't Barry. This wrinkle is a little more frustrating, and embarrassing for Barry, but eventually may lead to a fun and meaningful

Does anyone else think the moment when Caitlin was trying to warn Barry about Harrison before he time traveled will be key? I'm imagining Barry's actions in the next episode will essentially wipe out all of the reveals in this episode and clear everyone's memories, everyone except for Barry. If Barry remembers how

I thought it was pretty obvious that Chuck doesn't have milk because Jimmy didn't bring him any the night before. I love it when writers and directors trust their actors to communicate something complicated with no words.

It looks like he's Gary Mitchell.  Similarities to the Mitchell story line were heavily hinted at in the trailer.  Also, I think the slip up earlier in the year was legitimate, then the cover up was a lie.  Plus, the line about your world being an illusion seems like it would probably come from someone with the power

It looks like he's Gary Mitchell.  Similarities to the Mitchell story line were heavily hinted at in the trailer.  Also, I think the slip up earlier in the year was legitimate, then the cover up was a lie.  Plus, the line about your world being an illusion seems like it would probably come from someone with the power