
Time for a proposal for a study.

The album took a few weeks (and seeing them live on this tour) for me to really start to accept it as worthy of following the rest of their discography. (Secretly, I’m still waiting for Before the Dawn Heals Us pt II and Saturdays = Youth pt II, but I know I’m not the only one in that camp).

I did not expect to encounter a Laibach video here. I mean, I approve, I just didn’t expect it. Kind of like opening the door and seeing a Trabant drive by. Sure it’s technically possible, but you never assume it will happen.

LOL! It was a joke (you do know that the correct usage is moot, right?).

also, I like the late model caprice era. But good lord, that name plate can never, EVER shed its history.


Clearly someone did not know cars in the 80's. These words were synonymous.

Exception: If you have said hangover because of a work function where many were drinking, including those who are in authority positions? Own it. Wear it like a badge of honor.

Could this picture be used as a lede for your article?

Take, for instance, my absolute favorite Torchinky piece of all time. The space shuttle heist.

Whoa... Holy taking things literally batman.

Are you sure about that? Are you saying that every one of Jason’s pieces is verifiable (not certifiable) and/or can be defended?

Congrats on the new gig, and it’s amazing how far you’ve gone (even crazier when y0u factor in the Automobile article). It’s been a long strange trip.

Yep. Have a 2009 iMac running 10.6.8 and a 2014 iMac running 10.11.5. Both are happy as clams (well, the 10.6.8 is sad because Chrome no longer gets support).

I flew out of Detroit last week, and even though the lines were long (all the way out of the terminal area and into the breezeways), the teams that were working the ID area and manning the security checks were the most efficient I had ever seen (I travel a bit). They grouped people into smaller groupings, kept

CJA, your (active) editorial and creative presence will be very much missed. Your lingering, shaping presence will be felt as echoes for years.

I’m not gonna lie, after my wife told me the news (she’s the biggest Prince fan I personally know - which is honestly saying something), the first person I thought of was you CJA.

I’ve been passively hearing about (and reading about) “green” energy efficient building methods and codes for the last 25 years (my father is a consultant for green building codes). And I have to say that this is one of the most interesting approaches because of the climate and realized efficiency goals. Quite a lot

Yep. Was part of Oppo then. Was one of the ones who started mending the fences after the bans were handed down. There were a couple of people who didn’t come back after that if memory serves.