
Better than being pis... oh...

If by readers, you mean Aaron (who selected it), then yes, you are correct.

How could anyone forget CTUSM?!?!

Now I simply must know, if I ordered something like this (which was from the assemble your own burger part of the menu at the time): falafel burger with sauerkraut, onions and tomato and seasoned fries with curried ketchup, how odd is that? (It was so delicious that I posted about it

This comment was meant for me to discover, right?

As I understand it, the judgement call of this is that had the keepers outstretched arm contacted the player (or been able to, which resulted in causing the keeper to have to change his motion to avoid contact) skipping in front of him, then it would be interference.

That looks borderline. Had the keeper kicked the ball and the player run across his path, it would have been pretty much textbook interference, but there is nothing inherently dangerous about the play, and he is out of arms reach (barely). So I understand why the ref didn’t call interference, I’m just not positive

That’s Celebrity Row. It’s a row of display aircraft. (Note the other planes there, there are a number of them that seem out of place).

They moved a lot of the D-21’s from where they were to a small area just north of the primary building structures and then moved them / or shipped them off / scrapped them as far as I can tell.

This looks like a great road map. It’s a lot of different directions, but they all make sense given the historical umbrella of “what is Jalopnik.” It’s great to see more community talent plucked from the ranks of Kinja users with Justin.

There is a larger topic here though, which of course is, why minorities, blacks specifically, are involved in such a disproportional number of arrests and shootings (remembering that arrests are not convictions, but our justice system is great at adding confusion to number aggregation, and also has an intrinsic bias

I don’t believe that it does. That percentage acknowledgement is referring to just the percentages involved without any correction for overall population.

When your own link, by default, corrects for variation in population, you might be intentionally missing the point. The US, according to the latest census numbers, is 77% white and 13% black. Those percentages that you provided are hugely misleading without total population numbers to demonstrate context.

One of my last business trips, I arrived early in the morning at Denver International, and my flight was overbooked and they wanted someone to volunteer in exchange for a $400 travel voucher, two meal tickets / vouchers (total was around $25) and a flight about 3 hours later. I was in no hurry as long as I got to my

Well the Sun’s a hot star and Mercury’s hot too, Venus is the brightest planet and Earth’s home to me and you. Mars is the red one, and Jupiter’s most wide, Saturn’s got those icy rings, and Uranus spins on it’s side, Neptune’s really windy, and Pluto’s really small... well you wanted to name the planets, and now

Some breweries have managed to make the process fairly efficient (thinking of Stone because SoCal, but New Belgium does some great things as well), and to treat and re-use their own waste water and other waste byproducts. But just by the process itself, there will be water loss. It’s a discussion that will need to be

I haven’t got to them either from a brewing perspective.

Russian Imperial Stouts, if I’m not mistaken, tend to use some of the same hops (which lends them their hop-forward flavors), though I would have to look again to verify. Some of the “bigger” tasting west coast Imperial Stouts could be hit as well if that’s the case.

I’ve been eating 70%-80% chocolate since I was a kid and loving it. And the move to get chocolate into the mid-80% which is not impossible to find has been great for someone whose palate is as skewed as mine is.

Listen... I can survive a drought of IPAs, but you know it’s not just IPA’s that use lots of hops. Many other flavorful styles use plenty of hops in their brewing (I’m thinking of my beloved Imperial Stouts, but barleywines and others are hop intensive as well).