
I definitely think 1080 vs 900 is a bunch of nonsense, but 1080 vs 720 is a bigger deal. That is noticeable on a much larger variety of TV setups. Regardless, someone mentioned below they bumped it up for the main game to 900p so my point is moot.

They must have upped it from Ground Zeroes then. That’s good to hear. Still, my PS4 library is kinda barren (Bloodborne, LBP3 and Wolfenstein) so I’ll stick with it.

I am one of those guys that chooses XB1 over PS4 on multi-plat games. I much prefer the controllers. However - XB1 is 720p and PS4 is 1080p - and that’s a big difference so I’m opting for the PS4 version. I normally laugh at the whole 900p vs. 1080p debate, but this difference is twice that. If you have both systems,

It is sort of like a much faster remake of Major Havoc. It’s really nice on the Vita, great on the go.

I’m also happy he uses these things. I’d like to know how many manager/executive types have changed policies out of embarrassment of being portrayed on Dilbert.

He has flat out said the strip can survive for years off the reader email ideas he gets alone. I KNOW that one strip came from our company, it was something very specific and a dead ringer for the situation. With thousands of employees though, no one knows and with a culture of retaliation from management, no one is

6. Sid had issues, not just playing with his toys hard. Look at what he did to his sister and her toys.

Dilbert is the straight man. Like Jerry was on Seinfeld. Sure, they get some funny lines from time to time, but their purpose is a center for the absurd other characters to contrast against.

It’s not clear exactly which parts of the podcast led Nintendo to fire Pranger

That’s how we get garbage like Resident Evil 6.

This first came up on my radar yesterday (how did I miss it?). I’d love to give it a try, but I already have some games I’d like to play now so I’ll wait until a good sale (along with Axiom Verge - dammit go on sale already!).

Are we under the impression that Republicans give even the least little shit over telling the truth? Their party lies as much, if not more. Their leaders repeat the bullshit talking points of the extremists. Their news sources say even more ludicrous things. And they are completely devoid of fact checking and actively

That really is some creative detail there. Most games just clip like crazy, but that was cool.

Sony (and others) have done many games in the past that looking much better than they played. Heavy Rain, that Ellen Page game, etc. As a graphics showpiece it succeeds. As a game, it falls about average.

This isn’t about a game being delayed. It is about how it was communicated and the circumstances surrounding it. I was fine with a delay, many fine games over time had been delayed. I wasn’t fine with them lying about it, and now lying about them lying about it. Add in there is clearly some convenient timing

I do have a Vita, and the streaming is cool, but I don’t like to use it much - I use my Vita to play old game collections primarily (Capcom, etc.), and my youngest plays Terraria on it. My wife would slap me if I brought the Vita to bed.

The Aerie looked so amazing though. The second DLC was where it shined, and the third was very different from the others (reminded me of the castle in Bloodborne).

Yeah, I typically choose the XB1 over the PS4 version - I prefer the XB1 controllers and the graphical differences are highly overstated. But, I went PS4 for this - I recall reading the XB1 is 720p and the PS4 is 1080p - that’s a big jump, much more than 900->1080. I can kind of understand being a Japan dev and not

Fair enough. I do, however, disagree with the “as long as it is profitable”. It’s a good thing that people complain and demand better. That gets us better games, and better DLC. There are companies that do it right and ones that do it wrong. The ones that do it wrong should be called out, not given a pass simply

So you translated your anger of others (random Internet people) onto me, and that is supposed to be cool?