
And I did not call you a “moron”, I posted a very reasonable response, which you took and then called me an “ignorant fucking jackass”. I’ve since then have been mocking you for your anger. Scroll up, wipe the drool off your chin and actually read and associate names with what people actually said instead of flailing

Such anger! I’m not the one getting all butthurt other people don’t agree with me. You walked into a reasonable conversation, took a shit in the corner and now are acting like it is our problem we are treating you like you have issues.

Because that’s what I was talking about in the original post before you inserted yourself? Deeerrp. Maybe ease up on the weed, bro? It might make things soothing, but your memory and reading are for shit.

Bwahahahahaha! We have ourselves a bad ass here. Mr. Internet tough guy that gets mad at Internet people for disagreeing with his perspective.

Not trying to change your mind, we are just pointing and laughing at you and your inability to read and poor trolling skills.

They cannot wait so they pay six months in advance for the same price as the person that buys it the day it comes releases? What do you think they are going to run out of “teh Internets” if you don’t pay for digital content six months ahead of time? Or maybe you think it is coming out earlier for you if you prepay (it

Holiday sales are good for ANY title, don’t let excuses from publishers that have games slip to the next year fool you. People are much more likely to pick up that quirky budget for their grandson for Christmas than they are in January.

Season passes are getting out of hand. I love Witcher 3, but come on - they want you to pony up for a Season Pass six months before you get anything for it at all, and at regular price. Who does that?

Arkham Origins had some really nice DLC in the Mr. Freeze add-on. Arkham City’s Harley’s Revenge was pretty average though. I considered the Season Pass this time, but decided to wait for a big sale - and it looks like it was a good choice.

They didn’t need funding. They have big money backers already. It’s fairly clear they were more worried about getting cash for their next game than finishing up this one. Inafune should be heavily involved in the final stages of his company’s first game who’s main selling point is his involvement. It’s clear now his

I think the main issue with a delay is they had apparently spent time moving on to their next Kickstarter before finishing this one. Yes, larger game companies have the ability to work on multiple games at once, but smaller companies that supposedly depend on crowd sourcing should finish one promise before making

Ok, the NFL makes lots of money. Can we just get them to provide the footballs for the game and use the same for both teams? They can afford it. Completely eliminates the desire to customize them since a neutral party handles them.

To point out they have, by far, the best back catalog of games and they should be doing virtual console better than anyone else. There is no reason to not have practically everything pre-Gamecube available for download on either the 3DS or the WiiU. We can’t even get Gameboy Advance games on the 3DS beyond the

My favorite “old games” device is a Vita. I have things like Capcom Classics Reloaded and Remixed, Metal Slug Anthology, Castlevania Chronicles, Gradius Collection, Mega Man Maverick Hunter X, Power Stone Collection and some others. Pick them up on sale for lots of old school gaming goodness. I believe they even have

Activision allow users to play games on a new platform, for free? Hahahahaha. If they can’t monetize it, they aren’t interested. Besides it would cut into potential remaster business for them.

Yeah, Lara doesn’t control like a tank in this.

Yeah, something about killing about a hundred people in her previous adventure that might have numbed her to all this.

Two games about an adventurer and both have giant, dragon like pets. No, nothing similar there.

Not to mention the Last Guardian is a Sony exclusive so to Sony fanboys it is obviously ZOMGBBQAWESOMENUMBERONE111!!!1. There is still no guarantee the Last Guardian will ever see the light of day, and it almost certainly will not live up to eight years of hype (if considered reasonably), especially since it has been

People often forget there have really only been two really well received Starfox games so far (the first and 64). I don’t know why people treat it like a storied franchise filled with hits. Every Starfox game since the 64 days has been disappointing, and that’s coming from a guy that actually enjoyed Armada.