
Yeah I know. Would be cool, but it will never, ever happen. They make remasters in order to collect the double dip. What you describe is contrary to the goal. The closest is Dishonored I believe that gave you a discount if you had the old one on the Playstation, as I recall. They also had some “upgrade” options for

Play a remastered version of a last generation game? Sure it can, a bit too well if you ask me. I was more joking than anything, but backwards compatibility is pretty sweet - Sony should have dumped some effort into it, but it conflicts with their desire to push the overpriced Now service and remasters. I sold my PS3

You are confusing the ability to play your last gen games on your new system with the XBox One ... :)

He will be first in line to see it so he can post on his phone on the way out “WORST STAR WARS EVER!” like the Simpson’s comic book store nerd. The when eight comes out he will post the same thing about that and tell us all about how it didn’t measure up to The Force Awakens. On and on. I’ll never understand how

Yeah, I went through the process to obtain a Thunderfury back then with our tanks (I got it much later for myself because it was worthless for a pally back then), but the only items that have any wow factor anymore are Tier 3 and Atiesh, since they are all pretty much unobtainable (you can get Tier 3 one piece at a

I don’t get why it has to be limited in use either. An “inflatable” sword is of no value other than standing around town looking cool. They just needed to set the flag so you cannot transmogrify the model on something useful, like the real Thunderfury is limited.

“Ey, LOL, dude” - umm where did I say that, or are you paraphrasing?

I had to use the tank on the second time with her. The window of opportunity is so short and position is so randomized (after the first couple spots) that getting good position before she one shots you as many times as you have to hit her is pure luck. By the end of the battle she had actually done significant enough

I actually preferred D Dog to Quiet. I love his ability to sniff out enemies and other stuff (Quiet sometimes misses some as she bounds through an area on recon). She also has an itchy trigger finger, and several times killed a guy I was going to be able to subdue before he alerted others - which in turn alerted

Hey dumbass, I’m not a MS fanboy. I’m a happy owner of a PS4 and an XBox One (and a capable PC). Not one word of my posts was a criticism of the PS4 console. I’m pointing out the ridiculousness of the Sony fanboys and that doesn’t make me a MS fanboy by default. What, am I not allowed to notice this?

<— The Point

<—- You

Hey man, a bit of advice, there are many brands of decaffeinated that taste ever bit as good as regular coffee.

No kidding, I saw a Sony fanboy today trying his hardest to come up with some new problem. They don’t have 1080p with this. They don’t have image quality. They don’t have framerate. It just goes to show that to them it isn’t anything of these things that makes a difference to them, just the Sony brand name and the

I don’t know why Castle Crashers is necessary. If you owned the 360 version you got a free upgrade to the better XB1 version. If you are just buying it now, go for the XB1 version.

She once gave me crap because she thought the gifts I had bought her weren’t “thoughtful” enough and a few she had picked out for me to give her. Then I pointed out my entire haul from her I had bought for her to give me with the exception of a couple small things.

I decided earlier this would be a swell Christmas gift from my wife. That would give ample time for most of the worst bugs expected in one of their games to be dealt with.

Now playing

How so? I signed nothing. You don’t seem to grasp legal responsibilities real well, do you?

I don’t get this. Christians are upset at things like this, but most of those things have zero to do with the birth of Christ. I read a story of them being pissed off some malls had a new glacier Santa area and it didn’t have a Christmas tree, and oh my that was bad!

To paraphrase one of his fellow Republicans, it wasn’t intended to be a factual book.

I’m sure they are going to do an extensive search for him. They are probably hiring investigators right now and ramping up the legal team because someone used cloak and dagger techniques to try it and and simply said it wasn’t fun on the Interwebz! Oh noes!

Not really, maybe they could convince a jury, but it would be an expensive trial and ripe for appeal. Click through agreements have very shaky grounds, mainly because you cannot guarantee someone who uses it is the one that clicked - not to mention pressing the button isn’t a digital signature, or a real one. For the