
You can see Chewie’s hand for the first time, and he doesn’t have those extendable climbing claws from the Zahn trilogy (yeah I know that is now “Legends”). But it is cool.

Ok, whatever. I’ll be sure to tell him since he didn’t keep it under super secret lock and key.

So if I, for example, were in the NDA and said hey I think I’m going to pre-order Battleborn - that would be a violation because I “spoke publicly” about it? I get the feeling you really don’t understand how unenforceable a click through agreement is on these things. It isn’t digitally signed, as far as I am aware

To start with, not everyone that has played it signed an NDA, some played at friend’s houses. Secondly, it is a Beta, not Alpha - most features should be present. Thirdly, it isn’t just balance, the game isn’t very fun. Lastly, it runs fine, that isn’t the problem.

I gave it a try at a friend’s place, but it really isn’t very fun for me. I probably won’t look back at it unless it majorly changes. It needs to be delayed. With Overwatch now likely coming to consoles, they really need to step up their game, I’ve heard good things about that.

The Emperor’s New Clothes.

They got much better over time, obviously. Crash is very primitive, the sequels just sort of added new levels and didn’t do much new. Jak games were great, but even those pale to Uncharted and The Last of Us. You can even go back to that horrible (but pretty good technical showpiece) 3DO Mortal Kombat clone they made

Amazon also used to go crazy on gift cards with console games, then cut way back on that. Their current thing is discounts for Prime members.

Amazon also used to go crazy on gift cards with console games, then cut way back on that. Their current thing is

In the first game there are several. But, in general Crash is a horribly dated game that had some good promise at the time but they simply iterated each time until people lost interest. The fixed camera levels with tons of blind jumps were cool at the time, but the franchise never really went anywhere - it was just

It is never because it is “too hard”. It is because the sales are never high enough in comparison to justify the additional man power to do it right. So I guess “too hard” only counts in terms of it is “too hard” for a much smaller team with less experienced developers to achieve parity with consoles.

Good parents teach their child to not rape women. They should also be more concerned with the fact their child did this than whatever college admission he lost because of it. And they should have taught him to face the responsibility for his actions, which in the grand scheme of things is pretty small given his

My exact thoughts. Now he can get rid of the glasses and the nerd haircut.

They are at their best when they are making claims of “religious freedom” fly right back in the faces of the people that are using it as a weapon. The Spaghetti Monster can be dismissed as a joke by them easily, but the Satanists fly right in their faces. It is the perfect counter-example that shows exactly why the

Oh come on now, I’m sure the Liberty Council would be just as diligent about religious freedom if the coach rolled out a prayer rug and aimed it toward Me ... sorry I can’t even finish the sarcasm ...

So they should ruin his moment simply because a random fan *might* say something? Yeah, sorry, no thanks. That’s not what a real parent would want.

And let me rain on a crowning moment of his career? I would never allow that. Do you have kids?

As far as I am concerned, if my son is the starting pitcher for Game 1 in the World Series and that happens you can damn well bet I want him pitching, and if it helps him do better then don’t tell him. That’s one of a father’s proudest moments. Roll my ass in the cooler, I’ll keep.

Contra was even worse, it ripped from Commando, Rambo and Aliens.

The real question is it like Metal Gear Solid 5 where you can buy a FOB with coins you earn from normal play without more money, but it’ll take you a good year to come close.