
Me too.

Yes, fingers crossed that a Boston sports team will finally catch a good break for once, and a deserving and humble fan base will be rewarded with a legitimate chance at a title.

I teach in a university and for a variety of my critical thinking exercises, I find it easier to ask students to develop a meme (via memegenerator or some such app/platform) to convey their analysis of a piece.

Say this for my generation, sure we may not have done much to prevent the slow decline of our civilization or stave off the imminent environmental catastrophe that will imperil our grandchildren but...we made some fucking funny signs.

If they wanted a trophy so bad, why not keep the Civil ConFLiCT around?

LeBron: I wanted him to be around.

No it doesn’t.

Why expect more out of your superstar player so that your role players can be more effective? Is that the question?

Lebron refuses to play without me.

This is how I like to imagine this exchange really going down:

honorable mention to Joe Flacco for being true to himself and checking down on 4th and 14 with the season on the line

unless that player grew 15 feet tall and could also fly

i agreed to nothing thank you

Maybe Jason Pierre-Paul was onto something and is actually a genius.  

Really gotta hand it to him.

me texting at the 2-minute warning: “I can’t believe I’m here rooting for Andy fucking Dalton”
me yelling at TV 1 minute later: “YOU BEAUTIFUL FUCKING GINGER PRINCE!!!”

Immediately after the Raiders took Khalil Mack in the draft, Gruden chimed in on the telecast saying they totally blew it by not taking... Johnny Manziel.

I could just imagine Gruden walking down the street, pointing to some random guy walking by and saying “I tell ya, Mike, this guy right here is something special.” Every. Day. Of his. Life.

“I really should have had that LeBortion.”

Jesus was Greg Hardy that sent you over the edge? How long have you been a Cowboys fan again?