
I watch it once a week to keep me humble

Enjoy hell.

Lol should have been followed up by “HEY GREGG, what’s the fucking Browns opinion of you? How about the Saints? How do you still have a job after bounty gate?” Fucking clown.

Williams led with an “Odell who?”

I loved his, “What’s the giants opinion?” on OBJ
WELLL...They just got power bombed into the Earth’s core by the cowboys, in a game in which their lead WR got 75 touchdownless yards. SO they might miss him.

Scott’s Tots is the only episode of the Office I absolutely will not rewatch. 

The fact that this sanctimonious blowhard is on TV bitching about this is rich given that he carefully cultivated and monetized his college image while being a terrible failure at everything else he’s tried to do professionally.

Talk about selfish. The only reason the guy starting playing minor league baseball was because his name was becoming increasingly irrelevant after he was a huge bust in the NFL and he just SUCKS in Triple-A. If it was any other player playing like that in Triple-A, he wouldnt have a job anywhere. He literally only has

“Crisis of confidence!  OMAHA!  Crisis of confidence! Set! Hut!”

I recently lost a ton of weight (like 65 pounds). My secret was that every time I was about to eat something unhealthy, I would think about Jameis’s “eat a W” speech. Lost my appetite immediately. Dang near turned bulimic.

His life is essentially Scott’s Tots on replay

Also, that picture is an all-NBA best and will be meme’d for the rest of eternity as it rightfully should.

Thanks, Mom.

But what happens when Murray eventually gets traded (or has to work with the next coach after his current coach gets fired)? He’ll have to figure out what I’m trying to figure out now... how to survive in a Post Malone world.

Are you really surprised that money and talent don’t go hand in hand? Have you EVER worked in the corporate world?

+2 soon?

I take solace in the fact that Darren Rovell is working hard to figure out what type of car Boeheim was driving.

Society will be better when people think twice about being public assholes.  If they don’t have a better reason, fear of massive opprobrium will do.

I doubt they even have sufficient brain capacity to separate Native Americans from all the other ethnic groups they hate, it’s all just Brown People to that chucklefuck up there. They can barely grasp that not all Mexicans are gay liberals and vice versa.

Right?! I know the gubmint interfering with what the schools are teaching kids is an egregious overreach, but this sort of vapid illogical dissonance is where that kind of thinking gets you.