I know, right? That’s like saying “a mobile Eli Manning” or “an unsanctimonious Russell Wilson”.
I know, right? That’s like saying “a mobile Eli Manning” or “an unsanctimonious Russell Wilson”.
But if he’s a Jay Cutler that cares, does he then cease to be a Jay Cutler at all?- Philosophy 101 Tony Dungy University
This makes me hate Coach K even more.
it’s a joke about the kobe ceremony
I am the proud owner of a Detroit Lions 2008 Pre Season Champs shirt
But then the Packers’ Brett Hundley turned into Aaron Rodgers
It pains me to my very core that we’re basically at the point where Tom Brady is inarguably the best quarterback of all time.
I think this is more common than you think. In Boston, every time the camera catches someone drinking Coke, they pan up to Reggie Lewis’ jersey hanging from the rafters.
Exactly. There’s no way the president knows how to use a semi-colon.
Kaepernick isn’t MLK.
I am very smart...
But has he registered to vote yet?
Well, damn it. Baby Jesus shoulda tipped me off.
So meny peeple doughnt reed. So meny!
It’s... not.
I’m going to just take a moment to bask in all the Republican hissy fits being thrown right now before remembering how destructive their hate truly is.
Please, TIME, give him Person of the Year and drive the stupid fucking President into a ragestroke. Please, TIME, give him Person of the Year and drive the stupid fucking President into a ragestroke. Please, TIME, give him Person of the Year and drive the stupid fucking President into a ragestroke.
Rhythmic Weightlifting.