
As someone who grew up in NW Iowa and bolted for the Twin Cities as soon as I was able, this is exactly correct

Why wouldn’t Eli play? Geno Smith is terrible. Let Eli have another start or two in front of the home crowd - effectively an apology from the brass for how this was all handled - and then give Webb a game or two at the very end to get a look at him in game action. Am I so blinded by my affection for Eli that I am

Pretty impressive that he’ll now have both the longest and shortest start streaks among current QBs. That’s definitely HOF material.

I would give this two thumbs up, if I could. -JPP

if there is a god Rex Ryan will be making his triumphant return to NY as soon as the Buffalo Wild Wings staff figures out how to remove him from Booth #3

Update: Oh man.

McAduly noted

You blew a once in a lifetime headline.

To make matters even worse, it turns out Rose’s recently turned-in “What I Did During My Vacation” essay was plagiarized.

Somewhere in alabama roy moore both messed his pants AND declared this video some sort of commie, illegal immigrant witchcraft.


Was trying to be helpful but I guess I’ll just go fuck myself.

Two typo’s, huh?

You can certainly qualm that, but I do feel pretty cynical about an owner spending a total of $1.75 million, with nothing to stop them from (metaphorically, but not overly so) spending it on an ad campaign saying “The NFL: Look how much we care about black people.”

$89 million over seven years is ALOT of money. But if the NFL keeps steady at $13.5 billion/year, it constitutes less than 0.1% of the total revenue. Also a large number, but certain owners (Jerry Jones) are screaming about how much this is costing them and how it is the cause of declining TV ratings, add in the fact

I think it’s more “we’ll do this, you shut up and be a good boy, but maybe in the end we won’t actually do it, and you’ll have no say on how or if we do it”

$250K an owner? Even taking out Irsay, the average owner probably spends more than that a year on hookers and drugs. What a joke.

The problem with the proposal is that the NFL is literally trying to bribe them to stop protesting. It’s not even an up-front thing, this league that prints money and pays Goodell $40M+ a year to be terrible at his job would only offer to spread it over six years. Offering to spend $15M a year on impoverished

Tampa is great, I can afford to own a house with a separate office for me to work from, my wife is a public official here, our friends are here, I can ride my bike to Lightning games...