
“Does anybody know if real painkillers work for imaginary pain? Asking for a friend...”

Being Speared Gently was a mediocre follow up to Killing Me Softly.

First you dim the lights to set the mood. Next you look them right in the eyes. Then WHAMMMMOOOO right up side your head.

Came here to ensure this got posted. Left satisfied. You’re doing God’s work.

Must be pretty fucking hard* to kneel during the anthem when you have a third leg.


Me too, and with some other emotions that are weird, and deeply confusing.

He’s A Dim Son...

Really gonna be awkward, post-surgery, when Davis’ pain-killers are nowhere to be found.

This is like trying to decide between rooting for corn on pizza or ketchup on steak. Fuck both of them.

Zukka is the KD of of Kinja.

When I saw a screenshot of the n-word dialogue in a tweet earlier, I had just assumed it was an interview with Curt Schilling and moved on.

Can’t do fucking shocked. What I can do is fucking surprised.

I don’t think his CTE takes are that bad. As long as the league is transparent about it and players know the risks of what they’re getting into, nothing wrong with giving people the option to potentially trade their long term health for millions of dollars. Many people do much more dangerous jobs for much less pay.

Man that would be peak NFL for the Texans to give up actual draft picks for a washed up looking Eli while Kaepernick just sits there.

Here’s Eli holding a tiny bucket.

The trade deadline has passed jabrone...

If only he had millions of dollars to fall back on