
“You’ll be fine to start next week. Take two pills and call me in th- actually, give me those, just drink some water and you’ll be fine.”

Damn, they make pills of all shapes now.

Ease up A.J., it’s Dalton’s job to do the choking.

Possibly to prevent either Ramsey trying to get retribution on another player, or to prevent another Bengal from going after him again for Green getting ejected? But the real reason is probably that they just decided it’s easier to throw both of them out. Sort of like those zero tolerance policies schools are so fond

Flat Earth is logical and intellectual. Globe theory is preposterous nonsense backed up by audio/visual productions. You’re a misled serf in vast system that your paltry life can’t conceive of.

This here is why I come.

He sounds exactly like someone with one year of a Duke education under his belt.

He sounds just like every freshman on fall break from out of town college.

Actually it’s cool.

I get that argument and it’s probably right. But you’ve got to at least make them do something different. Derrick Rose made a couple 3s last night and would’ve been happy to throw up a few more. If I’m the Wizards I’d prefer him doing pretty much anything with the ball over letting LeBron go off. If they can a couple

If this is the case, the Wizards should have been double teaming LBJ every time he stepped into the post.

You don’t get credit for not making a horrible trade when you TRY to make a horrible trade and fail.

The Browns: Like Depends, often covered in their own crap.

I wonder how loud the arguments, or even more, how deafening the silent treatment from John and Ozzie will be when the realization that Colin could’ve been in uniform and already know the system!!! by now, had they not listened to Ray’s tap dancing.

Thanks for immediately proving that you’re even more of a dumb asshole than I had already assumed. What the fucking fuck is the point of that aggressively stupid comment about supporting the Ravens? Are you fucking kidding me?

The Baltimore O-lineman that pushes Alonso to the ground THEN dives onto him deserved to be ejected way more than Alonso did. ... That was something that served no purpose other than to try to harm Alonso and came close to starting an all out brawl.

I almost feel awful for mentally hearing Flacco say “Check please!” in a Daffy duck voice when he lifted his finger.

But was it elite?

Jesus Christ that was a scary hit. I have no joke.