
Isn't half the point of this show that people's lives are big and complicated, often turning on small decisions that don't seem so important at the time, and that they all add up and suddenly your life is completely different direction than you thought it ever would? That even the best intentions sometimes slip away

You really quit at exactly the wrong place. The show hits its stride in season 3.

I think nega-korra is Raava, and she's pissed.

Well, Mako she used to date, so it might be hard for her to be vulnerable in front of him, and he doesn't seem to be really in touch with his emotions anyway. Bolin doesn't seem like the type to handle things with subtlety; he strikes me as the kind of guy who would say, "You're depressed? Have you tried just not

They seemed to show a lot of repeats of kids' shows. Like they'd tape 10 episodes of something and then rerun them for 2 years before they made more. (See: Ren and Stimpy)

Hmmm…I'm pretty sure she got a boob job in between this and 90210. Because I never noticed her boobs, and I was 13 when this ended, and I was definitely noticing any and all boobs at that age.

Sigh. Freakazoid is the first show I remember watching and thinking, "This is really good. That means it's gonna get cancelled, doesn't it?"

I guess I should've known better than to think it would've shown up under the same category as the year before's. Or that I'd ever be able to find it in search.

So this is unrelated, but I have no idea where else to ask this: Did the AV Club not do a "year in band names" feature for 2013? I feel like the reason I'm out of touch with popular music right now is because I don't know what ridiculous band names are being used right now.

No double chocolate, either. The originals have the perfect balance.

I miss when she was just a Space Ghost guest.

I assume that the reason they're reordering certain things is to retain the actors. You can't just have the actor playing Theon sit out for 3 seasons and expect him not to have moved on to another project.

We got Alaric back but we lose Damon? I'm so conflicted! Also really sad that Katherine seems to really be gone.

Maybe Eileen is a moped.

I had been wondering for awhile if the Other Side thing would end up bringing back a few more Originals, since with Rebekah gone, The Originals really doesn't have too many left.

What, after drowning repeatedly? There might be a slight flaw in that plan.

What size taco are we talking here? Taco Bell size? Bigger? Does it have to stay in one piece?

I agree. This episode was a B for me. A lot of funny parts, but the whole thing didn't come together for me. Felt like it was a little too broad.

The thing about it is, it's a super low bar to pass (you just need more than one female character that's developed as more than a plot device or reward for the males, basically), and yet a lot of stuff fails it. But it's probably more of a comment on the state of the entertainment industry as a whole than a

I've been realizing that the show has really been suffering ever since losing Alaric. It's good to see Damon have a snarky friend again.