
Guess not. Was just browsing his IMDB page and I think the most recent thing I've seen him in was…The Saint?

For some reason I thought the guy playing Xander was Val Kilmer. But apparently it's Charo's son.

I think I learned that on an episode of New Girl.

I think the idea is that they have a bunch of little stuff that doesn't add up to much, and they'd have to prosecute them all separately, and none of them are a slam dunk in court. But if they go after him on a RICO case, then all the little stuff adds up to something bigger and they can put him away for a long time.

To be fair, I hate Kristen Stewart because I saw a 30 second clip of one of the Twilight movies on the Tonight Show. Although that may also be my own damn fault.

I may have misheard it, but I could've sworn that they referred to Castle Lemongrab as "Lemongrad" at least once.

@avclub-da518aecddbf5c94588f53562012c452:disqus : Unfortunately, no.

I honestly can't even imagine how you've managed to go this long without getting Buffy spoiled for you.

@avclub-f16faf5d680d7b88e2e157c1c137c497:disqus : I'd probably argue this sort of thing stopped being shocking for a former child star to do in about 1995 when Showgirls came out.  Or whenever Drew Barrymore flashed David Letterman.  Or etc etc.  So yeah, I'm going with "yawn."

I have rabbit ears because I'm a cable cutter but still like to watch football.  With a digital antenna, the quality is still fine.

Second best use of Bjork in an animated show.  First place obviously goes to Space Ghost.

OK, I don't feel like scrolling through to see if anyone else pointed this out, but:

@avclub-ee86f2eb94048ec21387d5b848337fa2:disqus : Actually, I was talking about the cartoon series from 2008 which is pretty kickass, and more or less starts out, "So hey, I'm Spider-Man now, it's pretty neat."

I really wish more Hollywood reboots would be like, "Look, you know who these people are already, let's just skip to the story."  That was one of the things that made the Spectacular Spider-Man show so great.  It really didn't waste any time on establishing characters.

Kinda afraid to rewatch that.  I think my childhood would be shattered if I went back and rewatched it and it sucked.

How about Dear John?  Notable only because that dude from Justified was on it.

They really did a skit on the Centrum?  How did I miss that?

I, for one, am quite happy for the recent addition of Cartoon Network/Adult Swim stuff.

I think it's important to remember that a lot of younger people watched the early seasons in "best of" format, that cut out a lot of the crap.

I felt that way when I watched Broadcast News for the first time a couple of years ago.  It felt like it was trying to shock people with the way things were run behind the scenes, but I felt like it had always been that way since I started following news.  Still a great movie, but it felt like a historical study in a