
7 started strong, but it went down the toilet in the back half.  In fact I wonder if it only looked decent at first in comparison to how abysmal 6 was.

One of the things about the book is that, while it develops slowly, by the time it hits the third act you realize that a lot of the stuff that seemed insignificant in the first act is actually very important.  So I'd definitely stick with it.  It's a very well-crafted book.

I was thinking exactly the same thing.

@avclub-d80ecbbbef6ab40a4e53d1ad2c3fc1b2:disqus : Bad Taste is the better Peter Jackson movie than anything LOTR related.  There, I said it.

This is why we need Joe Bob Briggs back.

I can't think of any better place to ask, so:

Hush is probably a better showcase for what the series does well.

Classic, but I prefer this one:

Eh, at least in the early seasons, I thought it was less scripted and more just, "Let's keep them drunk the whole time and see what happens."

Nah, The Maxx.

I was watching a female friend of mine respond to OKCupid messages one day (she had like 500 in a week.  If I get 1 a month I'm surprised).  I was horrified by the shit she would respond to.  "But…that dude just said 'Hi!'  I agonized over all the messages I sent!"  "Yeah but he's cute."  Ugh.

Gotta see if it sticks the landing, though.  One of the things that sets The Shield apart is that the ending was perfect.  Never seen another show that long cap things off so perfectly.

This is all well and good, but there should be a law that if you lose your iconic front man OR  more than 2 original members, you can no longer market yourself under the same band name.  This would save me having to ask, "So wait, is that Smashing Pumpkins playing, or just Billy Corgan and a bunch of schlubs?"  I'm

God, those things were awful.  My grandparents had the Baseball one, and I swear it was the most fun thing to do at their house when visiting.  The "Beep…beep…beep…beep…Beeeeeeep!" still haunts my dreams.

Was that the first time they were officially officially established as a couple?

It was definitely Zelda.  Themed dungeon, lots of keys, backtracking, puzzles?  And Flame Princess did exactly what I wanted to do in half the Zelda dungeons.  Just blow it the fuck up and rush to the end.

I've used the alter ego Rufus Q. Bixley on a few occasions.  He's a semi-successful Canadian indie musician and recluse.

This is probably my favorite episode out of both series.  Any nominations for one that's better?

Can't blame them for hanging on for 6 months and collecting a paycheck while they look for a new pilot.  I mean, that's gotta be all the longer this is gonna last, right?

Glad to hear someone else say that.  I wouldn't call it bad, but I've always found Radiohead's post-The Bends output to be a bit masturbatory.