
It's really no more complicated than the fact that they didn't change Goku's voice actress after he grew up after Dragon Ball. It's pretty common (both in the US and Japan) for women to voice male child characters.

All I know is I used to watch the shit out of Blind Date. It was the archetype for all of these shows.

I dunno, I've seen relationships like that before. My guess would basically be: Paul is the dorky kid in high school, women think he's invisible. Graduates, gets a great job, and suddenly has a lot more attention from women, which he doesn't have healthy ways of dealing with, so he'll fall in love with the first

I actually agree with this, I thought they might do something like having the Flashpoint reboot wipe out Superman. It just seems like if you introduce Superman to that universe, then Superman could solve way too many of everyone's problems.

I think it's just a conflict between what different groups want. Home viewers generally want things sped up, and mostly only care about a few categories. But nominees want to see credit given even to what people consider minor categories. It puts the producers in a bind, since they can't do the ceremony without

Perfect, we can plan a Don't Trust the Bitch in Apartment 23 reunion in the MCU.

It's pretty well known that /r/The_donald is populated with a lot of people from 4chan /pol/, and it's also well-known that 4chan likes to troll the world at large. There's a pretty good possibility that a lot of the popular support for Trump was drummed up by deliberate trolling. So that's fun. Maybe Ender's Game

Had no idea about Lady of the Shard, will have to check that out.

The ones I'm still reading are: Cucumber Quest (well worth reading from the beginning, it reads much better in compiled form than from dailyish strips), Bad Machinery (excellent but a lot of back strips), Order of the Stick (really well-written but comes out at a snail's pace, may not appeal to a broad audience),

Hmm, I would've thought quite a bit of the Harry Potter cast would have made enough to not really have to worry about future paychecks.

Wasn't there a line last week about Sue getting the weekend off?

True Blood is my pick. By the time I got to the end, not only could I not believe how bad it was, I wasn't even sure it was at any point good.

I don't really understand that attitude. No one can be expected to keep up with everything right when it airs, especially in this day and age. Should people be punished for coming back to watch older stuff they missed by having all the surprises ruined?

I think the agency thing is not coincidentally why you see this trope with so many video game leads, as well.

Wait, do we not like Brad Pitt now?

This show was kind of like True Blood where the first couple of seasons were kinda OK and then somehow I watched all the way to the end and hated every second and hated myself for still watching it.

Makes me wonder if a lot of mutants will be inhumans in the MCU.

Are the Hulk movies MCU canon?

Saw Age of Ultron last night. It was OK. Nowhere near as good as the first one…hope they realize the mistake and pull things back a little for the next one. At least they didn't try to cram Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. characters into it.

And the internet companies are media companies.