
I don't mind them, but I can see how a lot of people think they were a bit too "anime" or whatever.  I didn't think the new-style DCAU character designs really gelled until Justice League came around.

Seriously.  I get people being down on the character designs, but the plots are great.  I love Tim Drake and Nightwing.  I think Over The Edge is the best episode in the whole show.

Nah, he's off to spread the Gospel of St. O'Neal to other sites and bring them all here.

And now I want Mister Peabody to reverse the tachyon flow on the WABAC machine to make a crossover with DS9.

I just realized that someone needs to go make a Stone Cold Creamery account and make the avatar Steve Austin holding ice cream cones.

@avclub-c1bac1d55ebcc415d61552acbfbb219d:disqus : Whatever you think of of any of these things, the whole "choice" thing makes them have absolutely no comparison to slavery.  That's kinda the point.

My family always does Pork and Sauerkraut, which I gather is a German thing.

Yeah, I don't get the hate on that one.  I'm a straight male and I always wanted an easy-bake oven as a kid.  I think my mother just said, "You're not stupid and we have an actual oven."

@avclub-e1e1f76e42f812891209c17347b02da7:disqus : Tarantino doesn't have the best track record on race, to be honest

@avclub-e1e1f76e42f812891209c17347b02da7:disqus : Tarantino doesn't have the best track record on race, to be honest

That "from the director of Paranormal Activity" movie that starred the woman from Felicity got a lot of laughs from my theater.  Since they were supposed to be scary scenes, I think I can officially call that trailer a failure.

That "from the director of Paranormal Activity" movie that starred the woman from Felicity got a lot of laughs from my theater.  Since they were supposed to be scary scenes, I think I can officially call that trailer a failure.

I read it as the robot with big tits.

I read it as the robot with big tits.

It's like sex but without all the fucking.

It's like sex but without all the fucking.

I sense a future Inventory.

I sense a future Inventory.

Hence why the Canadian porn industry continues to struggle.

Hence why the Canadian porn industry continues to struggle.