Gallopnik, a Blog of Horses

Thanks, FTC! Now do articles that have inexplicably been presented as slideshows and snake oil ads targeting seniors masquerading as “sponsored stories”...

Could the platform adequately replicate our style and tone? Could it get the facts right?

Exactly. The law will likely require publishers to opt-in to any collective bargaining, so those news organization will be blocked while Sputnik, scam sites, and the like will proliferate (even more?) without sensible people being able to response with authoritative news links.

Being championed by the likes of Rupert Murdoch and Sinclair, but also supported by G/O Media and other new media syndicates.

I would love it if it was that simple, but I imagine this will make it impossible to post/share reputable news from reputable sources on Facebook but would still let my crazy right-wing uncle share screeds from incoherent conspiracy sites. Seems like the unintended misinformation consequences are huge.

Don’t news aggregators invest significant resources elsewhere between the content and the user? Flipping your argument on its head, why should Australian or New Zealand publishers have access to Google Android devices or Chrome browsers? They are completely free-riding on Google’s investments.

So if I go on Facebook and post a link to an article from a NZ or Australian paper with a line or two commentary on the article...Facebook has to pay the news source? For an article that they played no role in selecting or posting? I don’t understand how this is good for local media or public discourse.

Anyone else find it ironic entirely predictable and driven by monetary considerations that Apple will not let others track you if you say no but they’ll still track you even if you say no?

It’s a bit naive to act like this was just coincidental timing. Apple and Facebook have known they were going to be rivals in AR/VR for years....Apple rolling out tracking prompts (1) when TikTok was taking off and (2) explicitly defining ‘tracking’ to only apply to companies other than Apple simultaneously kneecapped

Assuming Facebook ads work similarly to Google ads, the algorithm is going to show users ads they are most likely to click on based on consumed/inferred information about the user and whether “similar users” clicked on a given ad. It doesn’t know if USER034rqf3231 is white or black, it just knows that X% of users with

Though most major news providers banned the format when it first launched, it started losing popularity in 2017 when Facebook unanimously announced its first major pivot to video.”

$hitting on a Meta pushing short form video on users when no one asked for it in a short form video that no one meta. These Gizmodo hot take videos are the worst trend that G/O has pushed down the public’s throat. I didn’t think it would be possible to top the Kinja comment system or slideshow format, but

Antitrust economist POV: This is literally done in every, single Section 2 case. It is legally impossible to defend an antitrust case alleging monopolization without granular data that can be used to build economic models to demonstrate the absence of market power. This information will almost certainly be under NDA

This has always been the case with ByteDance/TikTok, but the average 9-13 year old doesn’t care. More than the privacy risks (you chose to post it!), I would be worried about China’s ability to influence public discourse and opinion. People aren’t getting news from Tik Tok, but tweaking recommendation algorithms to

Literally every shareholder. Every shareholder benefited pro rata based on how many shares they have. About 70 cents per share. For context, the stock price dropped 58 cents today just because that’s how stocks work.

It’s reprehensible that these crimes were committed by these drivers and that Lyft has refused to take accountability for their role it these crimes (hiding behind “independent contractor” claims), but....this article is so uninformed and misleading that I don’t know where to start.

Facebook’s audience network — the part of the advertising business covered by the proposed law — accounts for about $3B in revenue out of $120B. They spend more than that on Zuckerberg’s sunblock.

This is what happens when Rupert Murdoch owns an entire country’s media ecosystem. The Murdoch-backed politicians in Australia are transparently opposed to new media, social media, and free media.

At best, you’re talking about Firefox vs. Chrome.

It’s literally on Facebook’s website and free to download and install on your site so you can target users on Facebook. Google has one, Snap has one, etc. Pixels and scripts like them have been used by publishers and e-commerce for over a decade.