Gallopnik, a Blog of Horses

after all, Twitter is an ad-ridden hellscape

This whole article is incredibly dishonest. Facebook and Google (and plenty of other companies) have made these pixels available for years. Until recently, Gizmodo had dozens of trackers running on their sites. It’s websites that choose to download and install the code on their website and they can remove it at any

I’m pretty sure Apple will sell their AR goggles in Apple stores. The whole point of brick and mortar stores these days is to allow consumers to try out new tech before buying (whether in-store or online).

I too am thrilled to read Raph’s latest work in Horse & Hound.

<wipes joyful tears from eyes>

Wait...David Tracy is a *former* Jalopnik too?!

Fine, if we’re talking about the standard for you to give a hot take. I’m talking about baseline expectations to be a journalist/blogger/critic. If a food critic said “I looked at the menu Yelp and this restaurant looks terrible” or Roger Ebert said “Saw the trailer, this is garbage” I’d be similarly disappointed.

These 12 Mostly Lame Games...”

Does anyone think Paxton cares one bit about Texans’ privacy? This is just the latest round of Republicans seeing how far they can climb up Trump’s GI track by going after big tech for “censuring” their Dear Leader.

I agree with your conclusion that this isn’t on Bezos, but why is the shipbuilding company evil in your retelling and what makes you think this wasn’t all planned/approved by the government in advance. Bezos wants a big boat to make him feel adequate, yachtmaker wants nine-to-ten figure deals, and the city/country

Question for Tom: Does Giz/Kinja contain these same nefarious trackers?

the consensus of most legal counsel among our coalition partners that there was no legal compulsion to carry out the sale”

Heres the thing. If I naively and passionately believed everything alleged in this article, I would 100% agree with your point of view.

And disliking the administration or its policies shouldn’t inhibit your ability to read.

Which administration is hellbent on denying the reality of climate change....the Judge who issued this order or the current administration that is appealing it?

This is possibly the worst misreading of a legal document I have ever witnessed. I get that you/Earther don’t like the Biden administration, but there is zero inconsistency with saying (1) the Court’s injunction required leasing but (2) it did not require leasing on the specific terms/timelines these plaintiffs are

“This article just illustrated why you should stick with Facebook give all your personal information and web browsing activity to TWITTER, TIKTOK, SNAP, GOOGLE Mark Zuckerberg for him THEM to sell...MONETIZE THROUGH ADS SO YOU DON’T HAVE TO PAY $1.99/MONTH FOR ACCESS TO CAT VIDEOS”

“You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.” -Inigo Montoya

So Facebook is bad because it has a bad reputation for privacy and relies on targeted ads to I should delete that and rely on...Google, Snap, Twitter?

If they did then you could also be liable for sending a screenshot of the iMessage you just got from one friend to another friend...