Gallopnik, a Blog of Horses

I’d like to nominate the early 2010's VW EA888. The 2.0 TFSI in my 2011 Audi consumed about 1 qt of oil per 500 mi. Great customer service though, Audi USA paid for a piston+rods+gasket rebuild that didn’t fully fix the issue so they did a full engine swap.  

What two billionaires have had 1 on 1 conversations with Trump this month...?

Or because if they don’t sell him ads, they will have hundreds of subpoena’s from the GOP House within minutes.

Step 1: Use guise of “privacy” to greatly undermine two largest advertising giants (FB/Goog)

As with all things Elon and Tesla related, the product would be OK if not for the unrealistic/unreasonable hype from Musk and the marketing team.

This is what happens when you don’t have shared talk past each other. TikTok has plenty of what many people consider “news” (ie people and organizations sharing information as facts). The study cited and most journalists treat “news” as a synonym of “journalism” or even “journalism by

This is where this article gets lazy. No one is charging Burke for what he published...they’re investigating and potentially charging him for what he accessed. If a hacker had gone into LiveU or downloaded the streams and provided them to Burke to publish, he’d be fine. Same situation as if, instead of publishing the

Exactly. There are plenty of “public” places on the internet where anyone can obtain hacked or leaked credentials. I don’t think obtaining those credentials and using them to get into access-restricted systems and later publishing what you find constitutes legitimate journalism.

It took me 12 seconds on H&R Block’s privacy policy to find this:

Do you make 100% of your purchases at Amazon or do you go to brick and mortar stores sometimes? If the latter, it’s hard to say that Amazon has monopolized a market. If Amazon had a monopoly, they could and would charge more....they can’t because consumers will just go to Target, Walmart, etc for their purchases. It’s

This is the problem with the FTC’s case. It depends on a hypothetical “online” market where Amazon doesn’t have to compete with any of those stores. Ms. Khan apparently can’t leave the house to swing by CVS or Target.

I have several problems with this lawsuit (and most others brought by Chairwoman Khan)...

Agree with you, except Facebook doesn’t sell data. They sell access to their audience. That is much more profitable and sustainable (e.g. milking the cow vs. butchering it).

Just read the article and came here to say the same thing. This isn’t spying, this is pretty standard data audit/compliance monitoring stuff. Look at the powers the FTC has over Facebook’s data terms and that the European Commission has over Google’s use of FitBit data. Lot’s more “spying” in each of those than this

Some dubious “research” underpinning this story:

It’s not just privacy requirements around user data that prevent this app from being rolled out in the EU, it’s built on top of Instagram and integrates with Instagram accounts which is now prohibited in Europe.

For me it’s got to be the Ford Escape. They were everywhere in my suburban New England town and foretold the coming crossover apocalypse that consumed us all over the next two decades.

That which is dead can never die!

You can expect to see lots more of these “Not Available in EU” apps and services in the near future. The Digital Markets Act and Digital Services Act are too vague and onerous for companies to bring new, unproven applications to the EU. They’ll adapt their existing cash cows, sure, but new products that need to show a

Yeah. If Jack was just supporting RFK Jr. for dumb reasons, it would be forgivable, but RFK Jr. is a full-on attempt to create a “MAGA Jill Stein” to get Trump back into the White House.