Gallopnik, a Blog of Horses

If you look at the (much more clearly written) ProPublica article, it’s actually not at all a question that remains...these moderators get the reported message/image/video and the five immediately proceeding messages. They don’t get the encryption keys or access to the thread, they just get a cut+paste of the reported

From the ProPublica report, its clear its the the moderators are only reviewing content that was flagged by users: “... these hourly workers use special Facebook software to sift through streams of private messages, images and videos that have been reported by WhatsApp users as improper and then screened

3D printing, as an additive technology, doesn’t require removing excess material like CNC milling would. It also allows more diverse shapes (complex latices, etc) than traditional injection molding would, which can be used to product lighter weight parts with less material consumed.

From the article: “Facebook also accused the researchers of violating privacy protections under the EU’s privacy law, the GDPR; specifically, saying its plugin collected data on users who’d never agreed to be a part of the project.” Sounds like there wasn’t an actual direct threat to sue but rather a “we don’t think

Hate...I mean take Zuck’s side on this, but if the tool is capturing what’s in someone’s feed, it’s possible it is capturing other user’s data.

You have to be careful how you use “consent” here. The user is obviously OK with this extension scraping the advertising data, but the extension says it pulls the following information:

For all intents and purposes, Ernest Cline explained what the modern metaverse is because that’s clearly the model that Zuck is following. The demos of Horizon and Infinite Office actually make me think a halfway decent approximation of Ready Player One will happen in my lifetime.

If it’s one and done, it should take less than 2 seconds for underpaid, mistreated HD employees to sell/give away the bluetooth key or software to render this feature pointless.

I get some options being packaged together, like HUD with better infotainment upgrade, when they’re all technologically connected. But arbitrary bundling of unrelated mechanical upgrades is infuriating.

So much of what is wrong with the U.S. auto industry can be traced to the entrenched dealership model. Sleazy purchasing experience, exorbitant repair and parts costs, limited inventory options, etc.

Safe to say you don’t have a Quest 2, huh>?

“People who rely on Facebook to get their news” is another way of saying “dumb people.” So yes, it is probably accurate to say that dumb people are more likely to be anti-vax. Trying to attribute those views to Facebook vs. their general ignorance seems like a stretch.

All of the cryptocurrencies start out as some kind of functional token or convertible asset only to be immediately turned into a speculative rollercoaster pump and dump scheme.

From the FB Hub mentioned in the NYT article: “Nonprofits using Facebook’s payment platform to process donations pay no fee — 100% of the donations go to the nonprofit.”

Ma’am....this is a Wendy’s.

This is why the government should stay out of content moderation. What’s “health misinformation” and who gets to decide? If this law existed during the last administration would you trust Alex Azar not to classify anything critical of hydroxychloriquine or anti-bleach drinking as “health misinformation.

Google “whole of government approach”.

John Deere is definitely one of the primary targets of this policy statement (along with Apple). There aren’t any companies named in the FTC policy, just practices that the FTC will try to prevent. The author of this article just didn’t know/highlight the fact that John Deere is one of the worst offenders in this space

In Apple parlance, “Privacy” and “Security” means a way to gain a competitive advantage over rivals.

Did Biden fault Facebook for the content shared on its platform?