Gallopnik, a Blog of Horses

I trust the ACLU to understand the First Amendment better than you do. Norwood v. Harrison (1973): “[The Government] may not induce, encourage or promote private persons to accomplish what it is constitutionally forbidden to accomplish.”

But we do have very good data about who voted in the general election and who didn’t and their respective motivations. Progressives largely plugged their noses and voted for Biden because the threat of Trump was worse. However, moderates and even Republicans voted for Biden that would otherwise have not voted or voted

Cannes has always been about weird, ‘artistic’ movies...this is just a new high-water mark. I don’t believe a single Marvel movie has ever been screened at Cannes, it would be like unveiling the latest Ferrari hypercar at Radwood -- yes, it’s technically a car show, but it’s not for that audience.

They’re following the business model of making the free version more and more awful everyday so people are thrilled to pay for a Kinja+ that offers 2019-level performance.

Likehack: Whenever you see a terrible business decision and can’t understand why a seemingly profitable company would do something so blatantly’s the lawyers’ doing.

This is the correct take and I support your elevation to a tenured philosophy position at the University of your choice. Banging a multidimensional version of yourself is worst it’s self-pleasure not incest, but if a version of you could be a crocodile that basically eliminates the possibility that ever Loki

Would you rather Warren had gotten the Democratic nom and lost AZ, PA, GA, and we’d be living through the second Trump administration?

I’m just going to share with you what one of your editors or a more experienced writer at GMG should have already told you....Biden had to “backtrack” his statement about Facebook. Because we have this thing called the First Amendment in America.

In both cases, you can also reset your advertising ID, which ostensibly helps give you a new consumer identity—though, why even have one at all, if you can help it?”

And yet, every time a new car comes out, no one complains about them using round wheels with rubber tires....because they work.

Pretty sure people and pages will still have to comply with Facebook’s policies, so if Tucknuts is spewing hate speech or MTG is spitting out Qanonsense, they’ll be kicked off the platform.