
The taraandjohnny Instagram has been killing me. They are the BEST.

That's it, folks. We have to shut down the Internet now. This is why we can't have nice things.

What the fuck?!


I tried explaining Twitter to my father and he just doesn't get it. He THINKS he does though, which is both hilarious and adorable. He can't get a hang of the vernacular and keeps calling them "twits" instead of "tweets". Doubly hilarious when he emails me one with the subject line "Hey, check out what this twit says

My take away from this (as a guy): More men are marrying up! Go us!

While I'll never be rich, I make more in a public interest law job than my spouse does in her private practice job. So you never know.

But pickings for the Sochi Games' Unofficial Sexy Male Olympian are decidedly more meh.

Pas de quoi.

I kind of think it's the coat. I love the coat.

Universal healthcare AND free beer?? Damn.

I wipe away a patriotic tear. First the crack pipe vending machines, now this.

Canada, I love your television Olympic coverage. I love your kindness towards athletes of other nationalities (such as that touching moment with the Canadian coach and the Russian skier). I love how you guys humble brag, it is endearing. I love you don't just think about yourself when sharing beer. Basically, Canada,


I love my country.

Yeah, we're pretty much the best part of the Winter Olympics.

Oh man, if I had that Death Star dress, every word out of my mouth would be some variation of, "That's no moon..."

Freedom pole means penis, right?

Kismetly … ubiquitously crest fallen
Thrown down to strafe your foothills
…I'll suck the bones pretty.

Bonus points for excellent use of tags.