I love me some OAC references! Canadian high five to you! My OAC English teacher, Mr. Lowens, changed my life.
I love me some OAC references! Canadian high five to you! My OAC English teacher, Mr. Lowens, changed my life.
I'm Canadian too and hadn't heard of Lisa Frank (or Trapper Keepers) until about 4 months ago, on Jezebel.
Good news in the fight against breast cancer: New research suggests an existing drug can also halve the risk faced…
You're not alone; I had no idea who Lisa Frank was until this article, and I was in the right demographic in the late 80s. But hooray for Laurentian pencil crayons! I still have a box of them upstairs ^_^
Bright colors, uncontrollable violence, and terrible decision-making ability.
This was brilliantly written. Bets on how long until Tracie is headhunted from Jezebel? This was probably one of the best researched and articulated stories I've read on here and that's being said by someone who has been reading Jez since its beginnings.
Yay for Tatiana Maslany. That woman did amazing work on Orphan Black!
Still no love for Matt Damon's glorious Bedazzled Speedo. This industry does not reward true brilliance.
100% goddess, straight up.
I know that Alice Munro has said she is retiring from writing, and at her age, the retirement is well deserved. But from a purely selfish perspective, I want to say, Alice, please one more book before you go!
Alice Munro — the author behind The Lives of Girls and Women, The Moons of Jupiter and Friends of My Youth — was…
Nigella needs no "image-rehab", she told the truth, she looked smashing, and she was even witty when she had to take the stand. We all saw and we all knew she was innocent and still AMAZING.
Image rehab?! For what? She's got the whole fuckin' world on her side!
"Image rehab"?
This whole message is fairly stupid. However, this whole thing
Also, a good friend sat next to him and Sir Patrick at a Dim Sum place in San Francisco once and apparently they left a huge tip. So, being good to service people is another plus one for them.
Damnit, McKellen.
Master of the Universe Ian McKellen is stopping by Sesame Street on Thursday. The show posted this preview Vine and…
Even if you are an artist, you still should use spell check and proper punctuation!
I'll bet that if any of his exes designed shoes about him, the heels would be tiny and limp.