
What’s the best insult you’ve been the subject of?

A pecking bird and a fancy dog

The UN is forming a comitte to add a resolution on ankle breaking into the Geneva Conventions

This is pretty much it. She’s 70 points above the next highest woman, and the nature of Elo means that you can only go so high like that.

The internet/premium/British TV season of ~10 episodes is much better than US network 22-24, at least for dramas, right? I’m trying to think of shows that would have been better with shorter seasons, but am drawing a blank.

Because it means that people that are fine with the car as-is don’t have to spend the extra $2000, and the people that do want to can go out and easily get it done.

No more hatchback, WRX is dead

So the problem is that races are long and not much happens until the very end. Running in circles, etc. They can’t shorten the even because that’d lose them sweet sweet advertising money. But if you’re pausing the race for a bit, why not just have two or three standalone races? Reverse the grid, etc, get out your best

Marginally related hot take: Oreo thins are the best oreos.

I tried to be mad at the end but really couldn’t. Crazy like this should just be celebrated.

He’s the one that breaks for the front door (although not the back), as long as the weather is nice

Now playing

The bowler (guy throwing the ball) is bowling slow, and spinning the ball so that it’ll spin into the batter on hitting the ground. The idea of the fielder there is that the batter plays defensively and lightly pops it to the fielder, or mistimes the stroke and the ball clips the edge of the bat and pops to the

Keep your arms and hands soft to cushion and recoil on impact, and it’s pretty easy.

To me the act of competing doesn’t feel very fun in the moment, except in very rare cases, but usually feels fun in retrospect. Kinda like how NOX makes you forget about all the horrible pain you were in at the dentist’s.

Peanuts are debatable, but there is no question with pistachios: shelled. They put way more salt on the unshelled pistachios than they do shelled, and it changes everything.

Are we going to be following the views of these voters as the term progresses?

If you’re cribbing together pieces of sports to create your own sportsball, what do you make, and what are the chances none of it works together?

The most dangerous poop

Don’t forget pigs pooping on their balls, too