
Yes, people lining up to put a refundable deposit on an unknown product, which will probably be good, is the worst thing happening right now, and certainly spells doom for our whole fucking country. Time to start hoarding water and bullets, people are taking a mild risk. Rioting in the streets, fans of a product are

As cool as that video was, the killer shot for me was him sliding the cassette tape in. Not sure why haha.

They no doubt used up all the good bits right there.

All of VWVortex..

So besides poinring out that a concept car has concept car type features, what’s the point of article? I really don’t get writers hatred of Lincoln, Ive never seen anything positive written about Lincoln.

Exactly. And at least it's not a crossover. And it has a proper well known non alpha numerical name.

I’m with you. SUVs, imo, are ridiculous to begin with. What’s wrong with putting ridiculous doors on it and wrapping it in a clean, classy package? There’s obviously nothing sporting about the vehicle, but it seems to do a pretty good job at being a road-going SUV..

I'm in the minority that actually liked it. It's clean and very American luxury design wise. The fold out staircase though is more over the top to me than the doors.

Texting while driving is dangerous, I agree. Downloading Flash to play this game is much more dangerous.

F1 heritage, and shit, yo.

Could someone please explain the point of a track-oriented model you can’t actually take to the track?

I can agree with the interior quality statement. It’s not up to the standard of say Mercedes or Jaguar (but it is definitely nicer than say, Honda or Hyundai). SH-AWD should be a brand marker, and offered on everything.

Not sure what the obsession with longitudinal engines is, though. Transverse works perfectly fine

Hey now. I wasn’t necessarily disagreeing with your original point. Just pointing out that you cherry picked outdated examples for easy points.

Well, those are outdated models. You want to compared the new MDX with these instead.

Dead brands still have cars that are being bought and sold today. If you’re in the market for a Pontiac G8 wouldn’t you want a long term reliability study to take a car that is still on the road and being traded into account?

Those stats are for long term reliability. Can’t measure long term reliability when a car has been run for 1 year.

I drive a Ford, I’m not going to hate on them, they make some good/compelling products for sure. I just don’t get what Jalopnik wants from Acura. Everything about the MDX redesign (no beak, available captains chairs, real wood, 325hp hybrid option) seems like a step in the right direction.

I’m not good at spotting internet sarcasm sometimes but I hope this is one of those times.... I see zero resemblance

The new Black Label MKX I just recently tested blew me away. It reminded me of my original Navigator’s leather quality and felt better than any current Cadillac interior (and the new Audi Q7).