Another thing I heard was that their diets were strictly controlled so they were effectively malnourished and dehydrated, making them more susceptible to influence.
Another thing I heard was that their diets were strictly controlled so they were effectively malnourished and dehydrated, making them more susceptible to influence.
Yes, that was truly bizarre. I really couldn’t understand why she became so emotional based on what he said. And she seemed so vulnerable and gullible!
Yes. I think it was like the Sea Org of Scientology where you get worked to an extreme - burning the candle at both ends so you are more broken down and susceptible to influence.
Yeah, the Mark guy especially is just as insufferable outside of a cult as he is in a cult. Like, bro, this is ALL YOUR FAULT. You are objectively a BAD PERSON. Everything you are doing to get end the cult is barely going to bring you back to a karmic neutral.
This series is killing me! I am not surprised that most of the subjects joined this cult. I’m sorry, but they have little self awareness/shame, and most are failed actors and are blatant social climbers / star fuckers. The last episode when they get the front page of NYT - they are so freaking smug and elated -…
I think the designers stuffed that much coke into their own nostrils.
TFA doesn’t mention it, but I am 100% sure the car buyer was a white guy. If it had been a POC the Laredo Sherriff’s Department would have sprained their wrists patting themselves on the back over their, “massive drug bust.”
You can pretty much stuff that much coke in the new BMWs 4 series nostrils.
Seeing as how the road was already blocked off, these people were not blocking traffic. These cops just wanted to kill them because they would rather kill and detain innocent protestors instead of admit that they are not trained to do their job properly. Remember, you need 8 years of college to interpret the law in…
Get fucked.
I must make two honest confessions to you, my Christian and Jewish brothers. First, I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White…
...and making illegal death threats, it seems. Carry on good chap.
I wonder how often a police department for a city with a population of 70,000 actually needs a Lenco BearCat.
Oh yeah, that’s some “To Protect and Serve” shit right there
I hate to be pedantic, but they stopped being scooters when they decided to participate in the breaking down of storefront windows. Now they’re sclooters and I just can’t get on board with that.
The YouTube channel in question is the popular B is for Build
Ah, yes, because if there’s one thing we’ve all learned over the last few weeks, it’s that the cops can be trusted to do the right thing.
At some point the black delegation is going to have to settle on a name for male Karens