Gale Snoats

Fuck the Heritage Foundation. Fuck them straight to hell. They have been the shadow government behind the GOP since Reagan.

Until, like the Confederacy, they realize that those states that “opt out” are the ones who are subsidized by wealthy, liberal states, and their economies collapse. Rather than waste resources preventing this foolishness, resources should be spent to accommodate refugees that wouldn’t have the means to move on their

“I love America. America is the name I gave to the well-done steak I just ordered.”

They played that “State’s Rights” card as far as they could, until too many people realized it was just a euphemism, rooted in defense of slavery in the old south, that basically said “Pass as many oppressive and hateful laws as we can without worrying about the Feds stopping us”

“We aren’t stupid,”

I remember nearly two years of open hearings, back and forth negotiations and constant evaluations by both partisan and non-partisan groups in and outside the government when the ACA was debated. For all the complaints about the final product, the process that got there was open and visible to the public.

I’m so old, I can remember when the entire GOP bitched about how the Obama administration “rammed through” the ACA in 14 months.

But what of Liechtensteinian 11th tier over 90 highlights.

Boring yawn.

Fuck off. The more information comes out, the more you’re proven to be full of shit. Over six million who voted for Obama went to Trump, and why? It wasn’t because Bernie! Edit: Let me guess, though. “Well they were sexist!” amirite?

I love Divas I’m a little scared of...

It’s like poker, you need a certain number of players to have a game, and if one person wins so consistently that others stop being able to afford to bet, the game ends.

They should interview that guy. I’m sure he’s currently developing some interesting theories on what happened to that missing kayaker.

You bastard

God bless The Freeze.

News Flash! The Freeze dusted another bro today even though he stumbled coming out of the “blocks.”