Gale Snoats

“What really makes me frustrated is that some teachers are afraid to call something a politician said “racist” because they feel like they are taking sides.”

The week after the election, my son who sat next to a kid that made very clear he loved Trump - that kid was drawing swastikas on his desk after Trump won. They also had an elementary group touring their school and one of the kids told my son’s hispanic friend that Trump was going to deport him. And this is a high

My son, age 8, asked the same thing and chewed out his grandparents for voting for Trump. He has been extremely upset about it.

So then: the president who supported the DREAM Act, then when that went nowhere, enacted DACA (and tried to enact DAPA but was blocked by the courts) is a “deportation nightmare.”

I really want some Native Americans to form a parody ethno-nationalist group and call for the peaceful repatriation of all immigrants. Watch the white nationalists’ heads spin.

Middle school kids are The Worst. You’ve got the patience of a saint and a brass pair.

Our 3rd grader asked us, point blank, “how could people vote for someone who is racist?” the day after the election. Besides being heartbreaking, my wife and I really had a tough time giving him any sort of answer that wasn’t just “some people do stupid/terrible things”.

I have been thinking lately about the sheer naked disparity in intellect that now exists in this country....and it made me think of toddlers.

Wow. So those Gallaudet guys were pretty tone deaf, huh?

some teachers are afraid to call something a politician said “racist” because they feel like they are taking sides

Thank you for all that you do!

Yeah, I hear next week Trump plans to announce that he’ll send all Native Americans back where they came from.

And they are the only ones with an actual claim to America.

I’ve shared before, but I was out at a bar in NE DC with friends and as soon as Trump won Ohio a group of college students started doing Nazi salutes and cheering. Fun fact? These were Gallaudet students, so they are all hearing impaired. Pretty sure neither Trump nor Hitler respected the deaf. Obviously wenleft the

Middle school teacher here: I have had five major racist incidents (That we know of) this year, which is five more than my previous nine years of teaching combined.

A lot of my students are scared. All of my students are American Indian. They see what’s in the news and it makes them uncomfortable.

“The incidents BuzzFeed collected didn’t just occur in states where Trump won; they were documented in even “liberal” cities that overwhelmingly voted against him, proving that his rhetoric is pervasive and damaging beyond his frenzied supporter rallies.”

a behind the scenes look into the creative process here....

The robot car won’t ask me if I’m married, or whether I’ve ever had a Ghanian/Nigerian/Filipino/Russian boyfriend before. Or tell me it doesn’t “believe in” transpeople, like they’re fucking unicorns.

Cannot be worse than some of the taxi and Uber drivers I had recently. At least a robot car will know where it is supposed to go.