Gale Snoats

GodDAMMIT! I’m sick of this shit! You know what this country needs? What it really needs?! What will get us fully back on track?? I’ll TELL you what it needs, damn you all to hell!

American Hitler being vindictively petty—”shock”.

By the time they’re finished, the federal budget will be nothing but defense spending, ICE funding, and a ‘Gonna Build A Wall’ fund.

huh? Germany’s not North fucking Korea. I’m an American living in Germany. I have the same freedoms (plus good healthcare).

Cagle cartoons are anti Semitic ?

Republicans think the American public works *for them*.

Not American citizens. See, Real Americans (TM) are in favor of deporting all the different kinds of Mexicans. So, following the logic, protesters are not Real Americans (TM) and thus subject to deportation regardless of status.

Nah, I’m pretty sure that happened once he decided to be a Republican. Probably indoctrinated by all those libruls in the Texas education system.

These ‘protestors’ are your constituents you fucking moron. It’s like once you hold elected office your brain just turns off.

Hey, dingus, that’s the joke.

Not all of Major League twitter demeaned itself. One team focused on what really matters today.

You know not a lot will happen.

Pence has at least a half dozen cases of outright lying about Flynn and/or campaign connections to Russia. This either means he’s a dupe or an accomplice, and since he was in charge of the transition the former is hard to prove.

If he does somehow end up president in light of that, he’ll be hamstrung by national

I’ll take the word of the former CIA Acting Director, with 32 years of experience working in intelligence and several of those at the upper echelons, who says this was espionage if any other individual working in the government had done it.

i’m so sorry. these are people to whom consequences aren’t really a thing. Sure, Kushner’s dad went to prison, but look at how many laws he had to break before that happened.

If they dug deep enough I’m sure if could bring down Pence but if they actually bring down Trump I doubt they’ll have the stomach to keep going. Besides, do you realize how many people in the chain of command they’d have to take down to get someone good?

I’m holding off on the champagne until I see this parade of bastards perp-walked out of the White House, and not before.

Tell me though, does this bring down Pence? Because I can’t stomach the idea of President Pen... (gag) Pence. And then Paul Ryan? Actually, his behavior makes a lot more sense in that light!