Oh come on now. She’s not Eva Braun. Ivanka is Eva Braun. We can’t have TWO Eva Brauns.
Oh come on now. She’s not Eva Braun. Ivanka is Eva Braun. We can’t have TWO Eva Brauns.
Yeah this was nothing more than a business deal. Legalized prostitution.
The concern is also an insult to her, assuming she was too stupid to realize this was a mutually beneficial deal and not some romance novel where she will fall for the piece of shit once she gets to know him.
THANK YOU. Ya’ll need to stop with these “poor Melania” fantasies. She’s Eva Braun. She walked in eyes wide open. She is no one’s victim.
The jokes on Votto. That Indians fan was never thin.
Prenup with a non-disclosure agreement.
That guy waving though.
His hand is not what she’s getting paid to hold.
“Never heard of him.” - Self-proclaimed “12"
Yes, thank you! I feel like all this tearing down of a 14 year old is so fucking ridiculous. She is a baby! Talk shit about her mom sure, an ADULT. In reality this will last maybe through the end of the year, and if she stays away from like...meth. She’ll end up fine.
I did watch it. But I guess she just reminds me of a lot of the girls I went to high school with. And I mean that honestly. The extreme attitude, the mannerisms, jesus even the eyebrows.
Yeah, not paying much attention but I haven’t heard of her doing anything that would validate all this outrage. She got on doctor Phil and took a shit on him, which is something I’m completely fine with, and now she’s trying to make a profit out of her 15 minutes of fame.
Maybe my opinion is unpopular, but I dunno. I kinda feel like, I hope this goes well for her. I think it is REALLY unfair to say this is lower than the Mama June shit. Because CHILD MOLESTER.
The gag is that most of the poor white people once belonged to Democratic households and felt that in the wake of NAFTA, “why bother voting Democrat when they’re like Republicans minus the religious bigotry I so cherish”. Please watch/read What’s the Matter with Kansas? to better understand white grievance politics.
Republicans voting against their interests?!
Yup. Trump voters are the dumbest dumbfucks that ever dumb fucked.
They won’t. It’ll all be the Democrats’ fault somehow.
And Politico reports that the simpletons who voted for the justice obstructing lying racist ignoramus will be hit the hardest. Vote Repub--slit your own throat.
This is trickle-down economics at its finest.
It’s quite clear that Donald Trump’s budget proposal, which amounts to turning poor people upside down and shaking…