
It’s definitely a possibility. The reason I checked was I came across an article saying that his other children weren’t able to vote for him in the NY primary because they missed the voter registration deadline. New York has a long lead time, whereas Pennsylvania requires registration 30 days in advance of an election.

“Retweets don’t = endorsements” is written atop a number of profiles on the site, suggesting that just because that person decides to spread a person’s message doesn’t mean they agree with it. Which begs the argument, why retweet it in the first place?

“The crow’s caw was okay, but one night with a lovely whore opened a wisdom deeper than what that bird said.” - Ikkyu Sojun (1394-1481)

What a monster!

Last I checked - I think it was just before the Pennsylvania Primary in 2016 - Tiffany Trump was a registered in Philadelphia (where she was in school) as a Republican.

Setting yourself up so that you win either way, straight from the Trump playbook.

Losses on paper stay on paper until you sell and make them real.

Good call. Trying to time the market is really a fool’s errand. Maybe if it happens to be an all-consuming life passion and you follow the markets religiously, but, for the rest of us, we’re much better off digging a little deeper to buy some more when the market is on sale, and just plodding along as usual when the

White Knight

ABC White Birch Beer is my favorite non-alcoholic beer.

Rare perhaps, though not impossible. I was a tenant in a friend’s house for years, and we were sure to keep Friendship and Business separate. We also had a detailed, though boilerplate lease and are both generally not assholes, which probably helps.

That stuff is borderline miraculous. I’ve used it to clean pots I cooked with over a smokey campfire and got them practically gleaming in their original glory. Why I bothered cleaning stainless steel camp cookware...

I think it’s safe to say that Tingley has no idea what s/he’s talking about, but mindless government bashing is low-hanging fruit.

I did a regimen of fish oil, a serving of blue cheese, and usually a handful of almonds daily, with the occasional dark chocolate thrown in. I also have a couple of drinks every night, often including a glass of red wine as one of them. I don’t exercise regularly outside of walking to and from work. I don’t know which

Does it automatically dim if you have headlights in your mirror? I drive an old Saturn coupe and am frequently blinded unless I tilt the mirror.

Does it automatically dim if you have headlights in your mirror? I drive an old Saturn coupe and am frequently

Gotta get those all-important stripping reps!

In the vein of the First Amendment point, I would also love if people understood that the Bill of Rights are not inviolable absolutes, and are subject to reasonable regulation provided they pass strict scrutiny. Every time I see someone write “what about ‘shall not be infringed’ don’t you understand?!!!” I cringe and

Oh yes! As I remember, it came to more, er, prominence (if that’s the right word), during the recession when frugal life hacks were all the rage, and the more radical of our environmentalist friends saw an opportunity to promote the concept. Or, more likely, the ick factor and the tangential topicality made for great

That’s a great point, and an exceptional scenario I had not considered. Thank you!

Thank you. Reading fail on my part: I misunderstood. For some reason, I read it as the service mailing you a new card instead of topping off your current one. After re-reading, I see that it mails you a new card when your current card is nearing expiration.