Let’s go back to the days when “you” was plural and “thou” was singular. Much less awkward.
Let’s go back to the days when “you” was plural and “thou” was singular. Much less awkward.
Hm hm - Untermenschen, mein Herr!
While I would not have killed, I might have maimed for a decent automatic transcription software that actually worked back in the early 2010s. Transcription really is hellish work, especially if you are trying to pull from bad audio in a noisy room or from a sub-par mic.
I can say from experience that going from an awful supervisor to a good one (or even just an average one) is an amazing experience. After dealing with gaslighting for a while, it is pretty refreshing to move on. Best of luck!
Accurate. Bought one. Then bought two more. Now I want to automate everything.
Accurate. Bought one. Then bought two more. Now I want to automate everything.
I always love hearing Saturn owner stories like yours. I don’t feel particularly unsafe driving mine, though: my ‘97 SL2 only died after getting into two accidents a few hours apart on a snowy night. It survived getting clipped by a plow on the highway and took an oncoming, speeding station wagon losing control and…
I have been a big fan of the S Series, and I love my ‘01 SC2. It’s got plenty of pickup for being “underpowered”, but it’s a five speed (and a real one at that) and it’s a lot of fun to drive. I test drove a five-speed Ion, but the shifter felt like a joystick. The third gen seemed to fix the head gasket issues, so it…
Stopping in the middle of aisles seems to be an epidemic at my local Costco. This is not a great place to pause and turn to your partner to have a discussion; pull off to the side!
That’s awesome! When I was quitting my pack-a-day-plus habit cold turkey, I tried to drink some water and go for a quick lap around the building when I was having a bad craving episode. Since cravings often felt a bit like hunger, and hunger is often just thirst, staying hydrated helped reduce those events, and…
I remember telling my doctor that I never got a flu shot but that I also never had the flu and I figured why worry. He pointed out that he used to be the same way in his youth, and then he got the flu once and got the flu shot every year since. My thought process was, why get something that will definitely make me…
Fantastic lede!
Fantastic lede!
Most studies I have seen indicate it is even lower than that, and when you account for misapplication of “unfounded” or “no crime” designations (which often happens when police find that the victim didn’t, in their view, fight back hard enough, ignoring abuse and power dynamics), it is likely around two percent, which…
That’s why I’m going with Poe’s Law here. It’s not like Q clearance is hard to find out about. Unless this conspiracy is predicated on the safe handling of nuclear material, energy conservation, or energy research, then this is a giant joke that too many gullible fools are not picking up on.
There seems to be an inverse relationship between the desirability of the fungibility of gifts and age. The younger one is, the more cash is appreciated; the older one is, the more unique gifts and experiences are appreciated.
Found myself on an unemployment stretch that I initially thought would last a month or two but turned into more like six. The first month, I just treated it like being on vacation, which was nice after leaving a high stress position, but I quickly found myself digging a financial hole. I ended up taking a job with a…
I received the original CampStove as a gift and have the grill and kettle with the plunger. It is quite handy for making coffee (or just boiling water) or grilling up some hot dogs and whatnot while car camping. It isn’t much good for charging a phone, but the USB is handy for the light attachment you can get. I keep…
I received the original CampStove as a gift and have the grill and kettle with the plunger. It is quite handy for…
Picking nits, and I could be wrong, but I think “victory speech” makes a little more sense than “acceptance speech”. He already accepted the nomination.
That’s why I bought a 52-pack of shop towels at Costco: I can use one of those instead of like 10 paper towels. Throw them in a 5-gallon trashcan next to the washing machine and dump it in the washer on the hottest setting with bleach when it gets full. When one gets past its service life, I don’t mind pitching it…
It’s probably a lot more pedestrian and boring than one might think. I also don’t want to give the impression that I’m in on any state secrets or something like that, but rejecting the entirety of the dossier out of hand and comparing it to something like birtherism is a breathtakingly stupid take.