
You have bought into the nonsense so hard, it’s amazing. You’re suggesting that my investments have increased more in nine months than they did in eight years? What are you smoking and where can I get some? My investments increased over 125 percent from early in Obama’s first term to inauguration day 2017. If I’d have

Pretty sure any right to get upset over virtually anyone regretting one’s wedding invitation is completely forfeit if it’s a destination wedding.

Here’s a statistic you’ll love: in any given year, there is about a 15-20 percent chance the U.S. economy will enter a recession. The Great Recession officially ended in June of 2009. That is 30 quarters ago or over eight years.

...(b) have to check Twitter and clean their house for a few hours before they are ready to write.

Do you not carry your wallet in your pocket? I feel like that would make me anxious.

A bit of a cliche, but I love the phrase “you cannot edit a blank page.” It fits beautifully into the whole “dare to suck” thing and that Ira Glass quote about the gap that is always floating around. Just gotta write some garbage and a lot of it until it stops being garbage.

I am a big fan of the past participle. I love having written.

It’s not the usual thing because that’s not really how elections work in the U.S. system. The primary process doesn’t begin until February of 2020, and the first primary debates wouldn’t be expected before fall of 2019, though we will start to see candidates officially declare that summer. We don’t really have a

Next up: tips on how to lose weight fast (kinda) by reducing your caloric intake, monitoring your macros, and adding some moderate exercise to your daily routine! (Doctors hate love it!)

That’s a really great point too.

I say this as a gun owner, a hunter, and someone who generally enjoys shooting stuff for fun: this is easily one of the dumbest arguments someone can make in a discussion about gun regulations. Also, in many states, it is way, way harder to get an abortion than to buy a gun, but without going down that rabbit hole,

Come to Pennsylvania and you can buy a semi-automatic rifle and a few 30-round magazines out of someone’s trunk, cash, no paperwork, no dealer, no nothing. “Congratulations on your firearm purchase, ya’ll have a good time now!”

Don’t forget bar soap and paper napkins! Our frilly shower poufs are killing an American family tradition of everyone wiping their nether regions with the same bar of soap!

I hope the story of Comey’s memos to file helped illustrate the importance of this. Every time there is a conversation, an incident, a passing comment, whatever - write it down: who, what, where, when, etc. and e-mail it to yourself. Now you have a time and date stamp. Might be preferable to use one’s personal e-mail,

Thank you! I really need to start listening to them again.

to have a perfect memory takes about 300 hours

He truly is a fucking moron.

That would make some sense. I am not really familiar with criticisms of micr0-USB, either - I was pumped when mobile phone manufacturers more or less settled on that as a standard - so I am really curious as to what a better standard would be. USB-C?