
Gracias por la práctica. La necesitaba.

In fairness, if Republicans hadn’t done an end-run on risk corridors and the Medicaid expansion, it would be in a lot better shape. Defunding risk corridors and pushing poor people into the exchanges instead of Medicaid were both consequences of Republican action and probably the two biggest factors in the

Better late than never - thank you! I will have to take another look at Android Auto.

I had a generally positive experience being raised in an anabaptist church. There are a lot of great sentiments espoused and they are super pacifistic, so it might be a vastly different experience in more bellicose denominations, but I took a lot of those lessons with me. I also enjoy the cultural currency of having

This might be my favorite kinja thread of all time. Well done.

Also, describing a human being as illegal is pretty standard white supremacist vocabulary. Nothing quite like describing a human being as “illegal” to dehumanize him and make it okay to commit atrocities against him.

Big fan of the Constitution, I see.

A little late to the party, but I believe Susanne Bier is on the short list to direct the next Bond film. She seems like a solid choice.

Having chronic lower back pain, I find stomach sleeping is often the only comfortable position, which is kind of ironic since stomach sleeping is supposed to be bad for your lower back. I suspect it might have to do with forcing my legs to stay straight and stretching out the hip flexors a bit, rather than doing a

Having chronic lower back pain, I find stomach sleeping is often the only comfortable position, which is kind of

Worked for Boehner. I can dig it.

I swear to Odin and all the pantheon, do not touch my damn Hangouts, Google! I want the integrated messaging app I already know and enjoy that is not broken or gimmicky garbage. I tried Allo and hated it.

How do you know?

You raise an excellent point - plenty of people fail their way to the top. I was more going for the latter and not trying to make a value statement on Mayer, per se.

That makes sense. I guess my underlying point is that even an unsuccessful CEO is still presumably someone who has had to learn time management skills and deal with burnout. Though I suppose your point was more that the author could have found a better example of someone who is more successful.

That seems a little overboard - she’s still a remarkably successful individual by most metrics. Sure, she isn’t Bill Gates and Yahoo hasn’t been doing well, but it was already struggling when she came on and she came from relatively modest origins yet is now the CEO of a rather large tech firm with a personal net

It’s... OMG!PONIES!...

You stick your middle finger in someone’s face like that smug heap of white trash up there, you deserve to have it broken.

Can you share the data with some meteorologists or something like that? Help improve modeling by offering your own place up as another data point?

Can you share the data with some meteorologists or something like that? Help improve modeling by offering your own

That’s basically the same as an independent bookstore, but with much higher potential for mass casualties due to poor management.

This is something that drives me nuts. I love Bernie Sanders, but pretending that the Democratic Party has damned itself eternally by going with Perez over Ellison is more than a little tonedeaf. Dems need to net 24 seats to flip the House in 2018, and only two of the 24 most competitive seats went for Bernie in the