
Ah, so he isn’t the Zodiac killer, he’s the Zodiac killer killer.

Is this in any way an improvement on just cold brewing in a French Press?

Is this in any way an improvement on just cold brewing in a French Press?

Fun fact: most state troopers are not going to pull you over for going less than 5 MPH over the speed limit. Some jurisdictions, like in DC, have a grace range of 10 MPH before their speed cameras issue tickets. Pennsylvania’s laws don’t provide for a penalty for driving 1-4 MPH over the speed limit; it doesn’t kick

I tried basically every crunchy hippy, non-chemical way I could come up with to get rid of fleas and just seemed to make the problem worse. I should have taken the advice of my crunchiest of hippy aunts and just used a chemical solution from the beginning.

They are pretty excellent for distraction-free writing. A bit harder on the wrists and forearms than traditional computer-users might be used to, and less forgiving of errors.

To avoid the fannypack stigma and get that “Indy” cred, grab a MkVII British gas mask bag.

Sky Map was one of the first apps I downloaded when I got my Motorola Droid back in 2010. It was pretty awesome and has been a trusty go-to over the years. Not sure how this is much better.

I was invited to one but declined. She had just had her first less than two years previously and it felt a bit tacky.

Glad to see they are finally adding swim tracking and at not too bad of a price point. Already got my Charge HR, though. Perhaps when it eventually goes kaput.

Glad to see they are finally adding swim tracking and at not too bad of a price point. Already got my Charge HR,

For a site that basically specializes in Gonzo journalism, this is a strange observation.

My thoughts exactly - I don’t see how he was offsides, but then again, I wasn’t there.

If you sleep in the nude, you absolutely eat your own poop at some point (following some nocturnal butt scratching), and that’s how pinworm infections happen.

That’s Claire Underwood.

Perhaps the new guy, starter salary?

Sorry - sometimes it’s hard to tell via text. Definitely agree!

That sounded vaguely sarcastic, but that pretty much happened in Philly and Pittsburgh and other areas in 2012, sans the intimidation with guns part. There was a group self-styled as “True the Vote” that was going around harassing brown people and students, demanding ID outside of polling locations even though they

I really hope the Dems and good government groups invest heavily in election protection this year with teams of attorneys standing by to help when the Trump “election observers” start harassing brown people at the polls.

Does it work (well) with PressReader to get electronic editions of newspapers?

Does it work (well) with PressReader to get electronic editions of newspapers?

all eight laps of it

From talking to re-enactors who wear period garb in the summer, the linen underclothes are actually quite good at wicking away sweat and help keep you relatively cool. You still sweat, but pre-AC people were more comfortable with this fact of life and it worked as intended.