
Fair enough. Maybe a lot of the people I know and view as the patriarchy are just really, really, really terrible at feminism.

Doesn't work that way, most of them love Atwood to pieces. Liking her books makes them feel woke.

Overgeneralization, but I think this is it?

I had a theory once that the whole cycle was like this (and this actually sorta works for metal, too):
- Dumb edgelords pull shit to offend people
- People get offended
- People claim dumb edgelords are republicans, nazis, antifeminist, etc, etc.
- Republicans, nazis, antifeminists, and a whole bunch of shitcrawlers

Even Mayhem was kinda having a goof. According to some reports, Euronymous wanted to be an edgelord and freak out normies. The issue was when he went too far, and when he egged on people like Hellhammer, Varg, and Dead.

John Jay seems okay with him.

Well, I would. With all that icing and all that cake?

He's not John Cusack!

It's easy to be idnignant about Rhea Butcher, as long as she refuses to disclose any possible relations to Necrobutcher, or Necro Butcher for that matter.

No, it won't. Not when it's using my garage to record a new album of posthumous material.

Moving to the bigger house next door isn't a protest, goddammit!

Do you really want a bunch of out of shape white guys complaining about being enslaved without a hint of irony? If yes, unpaid. If no, paid.

You're right. Damn Nazis, violating causality and sucking at suicide attempts before they're even Nazis.

It'd be weirder if Nabin didn't contribute to that site.

I want to apologize, but I'm not sure if that's the right thing to do. So. May I say I'm sorry?

She already tried that, that's part of why she's a white supremacist now.

Astonishingly, it didn't do that.

He'd have to check Wikipedia for instructions how to, first.

How dare you try to associate the noble culture and tradition of ripping ship's cotton with these shitty little shirt-and-car numbfucks.

Yes, but what direction would you smack a bitch?