
It's a crime-oriented Reductress offshoot.

*Spike Lee angrily tweets Albert Brooks's home address*

Yes. Specifically, a moose knuckle.

There's a strong contingent of people among my friends who think he's just really, really good at covering up his insatiable desire for superheroine femslash.

It's my supervillain name. I've been active for decades, and people keep fighting me in ways I'm totally okay with.

"The Ballad of Guybrush Threepwood" from The Curse of Monkey Island will never not give me chills. Or the versions based on it from the remasters of SMI and MI2.

"The Ballad of Guybrush Threepwood" from The Curse of Monkey Island will never not give me chills. Or the versions based on it from the remasters of SMI and MI2.

Yeah, that's actually canon. They mention it in one of the extra scenes.

Look, we all know Jesus was a black man

And they'd do the same "Radio, Radio" joke.

"And She Was" gets a surprising amount of radio play around here. Though that doesn't sound like a Talking Heads song the same way, I guess?

I don't know.

Oh, definitely. I think Buzzfeed's already hit that point.

Well, tell her to eat up!


This is the thing that disappointed me the most. There's a new CBS show called American Gothic, and it has nothing to do with the old CBS show called American Gothic.

It's the internet. Anyone who has a strong opinion and is willing to take two seconds to act on it has a 97.86% chance of being a massive fiery human landfill. Especially on Twitter.

Genevieve Koski is the one who reviews things on the internet.
Genevieve Valentine is a mediocre author who sometimes writes AVC articles.

It got to the point where people were harassing him and sending him death threats near constantly, and then his "defenders" decided it was a good idea to make fun of Michelle McNamara because Patton Oswalt's snarky comment about Rolfe got big press.

I think it is, since the gameplay trailer shows someone playing as a camper.