

I think it was something he mentioned in the strip itself, and then someone commented, and he did his usual thing and responded to comments, and it blew up from there? It wasn't an entirely harmful thing in the strip itself, but it spiraled?

Well, there was that one Ratfist comic.

You can't tell me what to do in international waters!

It's kinda sad— it used to be that Mike was just a conservative and trying to hide it. Now it's actually relevant.

It's spelled "carousal."

That's how she gets people to take the pay cut.

Lynch never read the book. I think he decided on the character and Frost ended up fleshing her out.

Yep, the late Reinhold Weege.

M. Viking III,

Because they weren't really successful until their third and fourth?

Well…I mean…my anatomically correct silicon wife has a power bottom…

Well, I wasn't talking about you either in general or specific, but it does inform your own arguments, so I suppose it helps a little with that.

Might hold some water if a whole bunch of people hadn't decided to stop watching before his first episode even aired. Are there large swaths of American precogs we don't know about who are also Whovians? Is that what's going on here? I just thought it was that the fans' favorite ship concluded.

Since Davies left, really. Tumblr, for being progressive, is very much against change.

I think you'd almost have to at a certain point. I mean, jesus. Clara's openly bi, Amy's canonically open to at least experimenting (evidence: that one minisode/special thing,) and it would be adorable motormouthed chaos and villains getting the crap kicked out of them.

I always hoped that they'd announce a Black Widow movie and it would just turn out to be about Dottie.


I think the answer is "no, but it definitely has a fascism problem, as do comic books, video games, F/SF, and the MCU to a degree."

I dunno, even the liberal anime fans I know are pretty pro-authoritarian shows of strength and power.