
Pronounced with an udge?

Maybe in later seasons? Duke doesn't start showing up till Angelville, if I remember the comics right.

I want to make a Game of Thrones joke here, but there's no way in Hell that'd come out sounding like anything other than MRA bullshit

Callahan's Crosstime Saloon, right? And then in trying to figure out how the board wanted darts, his powers stopped working. The story was called "The Centipede's Dilemma"

I think that might have been because there's already a movie called Hardcore?


Weird, because it's been in circulation as a variant of "keyboard warrior" since about 2011 (at least according to urban dictionary, not the most reliable source, I know) and used as an offshoot of "SJ" or "SJers" in fandoms since 2010

It was used, but it used to mean a person who would basically put up a progressive front to justify their anger and being a terrible person. It was used as a perjorative, but by progressive people who wanted to differentiate themselves from a specific class of assholes. Unfortunately, it became a common insult for

I call them either Berserkers, or Will Simpsons. It's difficult to claim compliment when someone's comparing you to the douchey psychopath from Jessica Jones who keeps thinking he's helping when really he's making everything worse.

Yeah, but the thing is, by making fun of those trends and hanging out with the people he does when making fun of those trends, he kind of trips all over the line between making fun of the Will Simpson types and actually being right-leaning. You don't do a Sargon of Akkad livestream where you use the term "social

Well, all you have to do is stay away from the "thatistheplan" channel and then you don't have to worry about him being tonedeaf. It's not like he's spending time during his actual reviews being tonedeaf, just when he has a few spare moments and decides to vlog, in which case flip a coin.

Pretty good music reviewer who gets kinda tonedeaf along social issues. Flip a coin and on tails he takes the wrong side of the argument.

Yes, but it's sadly underperforming at the Nickelodeons.

In show? Oh, yeah. But he was an entertaining dick, and that was the point. After he left, the show didn't really have as entertaining a foil. I mean…Rachel? Donnie? The Prolethians were kind of interesting, but without Leakey, I didn't find as many reasons to watch the show.

I quit watching Orphan Black when Matt Frewer got shot by the character I least wanted to have anything to do with the plot. And then everything people told me only served to keep me away.

Yes, and monk rock.

Well maybe not that Lynchian, but "surreal" felt like a weak adjective for watching an old crooner in sunglasses drill Dustin Diamond from behind to the rhythms of the "and nobody waited for fire" part of "Day the Conducator Died."

Oh, man, that thing would have to be positively Lynchian, especially with the soundtra—

…I get paid for it?

I can think of two things wrong with that title.