
Well, that's why I said "one of the few" and "rare" rather than framing it as the only one. But even King himself admits he has a complex about good triumphing over evil (even if they don't win clean) and wants the majority of his books to end that way.

Well, I think at the very least Gawker and TMS would jump all over that, and then be outraged at how the character was portrayed when this thing finally limps into theaters and expiates. Just to cover all their bases.

No, because we still have all of The Stand and Ace Merrill from Needful Things giving it stiff competition.

I was trying to figure out how to make a "You can count the number of black people in Bangor on one hand" joke, and you just knocked it out of the park. Godspeed, you fancy bastard.

"He just said the Gunslinger is near!"

And he's certainly versatile, I've never seen him take the same movie twice. It's just range is a thing.

It's also one of the few times his novels actually get really bleak. It's rare he lets things get incredibly terrible for the protagonists outside of his short stories/novellas.

I always find him a little too affable.

I'm willing to accept the argument's certainly there even if I personally disagree.

Would a nude gunfight do it? Because…ah…book 2.

Oh, no, Detta is entirely fucking wrong and one of the reasons I hate the second book, but in a way it also seems like she manifests as a reaction to not just the leg trauma but the constant abuse faced as a black civil rights activist in the 1960s, since Roland manages to trigger Susannah so hard Detta manifests at

I suppose if they wanted to go for truly colorblind casting, they could alter the circumstances that caused Susannah to initially split into Detta/Odetta and lose her legs to Jack Mort, but as cringe-inducing as King's attempts at a racial dialogue were, her identity and reactions to the other characters were tied

I understand that might be the case, but no, truth is, I just really enjoy watching Lance Reddick and I feel like he deserves better work than he gets sometimes and carries both the right build and the world-weariness of the character.

I can already hear the internet's keyboards warming up with outrage!

It'd certainly make the entire Susannah plotline more interesting.

That I'd rather see Clarke Peters or Lance Reddick get the part, and I feel like people try to propose Idris Elba for a ton of roles that I'm not entirely sure he'd work for?

I also kind of think "My Shot" is kind of the least interesting song in the whole musical. Especially with stuff like "Room Where It Happens," "Wait For It," the entire wedding scene, and hell, even "Right Hand Man" surrounding it.

That piano outro almost ruins the song for me, but when I sing along with it, I tear up, so that one gets the edge

It's pronounced "joof."

Oh. I'm actually taking the slow route through this, so I was filling in my gaps in reasoning via my knowledge of the character outside the show. I'm still on episode two because I'm watching it with someone else, and they don't have the time or patience I do.