
I disagree, but only because I find "important" a useful linguistic shorthand for "This thing is not good, but the things it is reaching for are beneficial."

And the somatic components aren't going to give people fingercramps, either.

Oh, yeah, the Muncie Dolls. Pity about your guys's win-loss record.

Steelers fan, probably.

something something HH Holmes/AM Homes joke that doesn't work in text.

I…didn't remember that scene, but considering the more downbeat ending was excised for the ending where Mike and Velda escape the nuclear inferno, I had a more upbeat reading of them winding up on the beach near the ocean, myself. I'd think if they wanted it more deconstructive, they would have kept the alteration

I don't know…the original ending seemed pretty upbeat, all things considered.

Mankiewicz, or Osborne? Osborne can be informative and interesting sometimes. Mankiewicz is just insufferable, and I think he's just quoting the film's Wikipedia page and trying to sound smart most of the time. That's my suspicion, anyway.

Next week he reviews Bed, Bath, and Bitchass.

Second one. Well, all the bandwagoning and stupid stuff people in the article did, really.

Okay, read the whole page, the only reason why that's the second worst (as in upsetting/depressing) thing I've read today is that someone linked me to that "Little Girl Lost" article about Savannah.

Maddox is surprisingly levelheaded at times for someone who devotes LHC-level energy to being/trying to be a massive douchenozzle.

Oh god what now?

Social criticism on Twitter seems to have serious issues with things like agency. It's the thing that causes me the most stress and freaks me out about the whole mess.


I liked Invisible Monsters and Choke, honestly. Neither is a world-shattering work of fiction, but they're pretty decent reads.

Funny. You know, I knew some guys who used to shove grave dirt in their assholes, and that's exactly what their assholes looked like!

…I think you actually named a black metal band there…

Waaaait, you're telling me there's actually someone named "Rembert Browne" who either changed his name to that or refused to change his name from that?

Why not both?