
I feel like I need to correct this because it was wrong more than once in the article, but it's Bonfiglioli, not Bonfiglioni.

Masters of Sex just makes me think that it's an erotic version of those Mick Garris anthology shows and I get really disappointed.


Yup. Touhou XVI.

Veridian Dynamics. Rock and roll. Yay.

Thanks. My usual one was taken, and I grew to like this one. And it was only about one letter off.

Dammit, the comments on this obvious troll comment have shifted six times! How the fuck am I supposed to be pithy?!

The Last of the Innocent.


Police Squad! did. And it was awesome.

"And then…some idiot turned on the lights."

I agree with you. I also wonder if that kind of feeds into the author's revised editions, the ones that were released after the series was finished?

How did I know this was a Thick of It quote without remembering it from Thick of It?

I know it's not your pick, but I would like to pipe up to say I enjoyed that line, as I thought it fit the tone perfectly.

I can't help it, in the book trailer, I keep hearing them chanting "DOODY UNTIL DEATH! DOODY UNTIL DEATH!"

I'd recommend anything by Hannu Rajaniemi. Beautiful sci-fi in all aspects. Also, his short story collection comes out in four days.

So how much to make Last of the Innocent canon forever, never to be retconned?

Fifth. He's not alternative enough for us.

See, him I'd want as Doctor Strange. Having a young guy play Doctor Strange is just weird. Especially considering that it looks like they drew him off of Vincent Price.

Well, I believe that first part.