
I don't think it was, but those games are so bugfuck crazy it's possible

And now ve begin ze session, ja?

You may be on to something there, but only if he lives at home.

Is that why there are so many rockers outside all the factories now?

That's what you get from putting samples from '70s pink films in your baked goods, man.

Xiu Xiu-influenced anything is terrifying.

After. He said he was only willing to take my action because he was in trouble with his mom or something? She'd be really angry?

Great guy. I lost fifty bucks to him betting on the Hugos.

I think that's because he's more in control now and doesn't have to run things by the other head writers?

10/10 comment/username synergy

Stop that! You'll make the red light on top of the internet go out!

I know, I'm having the same issue. But if there were some way to easily identify the gimmick accounts, it would break immersion, and thus they wouldn't be as much fun when people respond?

You're god damn right I'm offended! I wanted sliced apple, not nipples!

…Is there that much interest in an American remake of a modern retelling of the Protestant Reformation?

What, like Wiig sitting on McCarthy's shoulders wearing a trenchcoat? I'd watch that. It wouldn't be Luther, but I'd watch.

I think what he's trying to say is "rapist or no, I'm still going to enjoy his work and it still stands up, and I resent people robbing me of my agency by saying that because I believe his work stands up, I'm somehow blind or delusional or don't care if he's a rapist."

I was hoping someone else would have brought this up. It does have a vibe of "stop me before I do this again" to it.

And shot screenwriters! Let's not forget that little detail.

Buzzfeed would crash and burn ten minutes after it aired.

This was actually the episode that got me into the series, the pilot just left me kind of shrugging my shoulders.