
I refuse to douche with an indie handlebar-mustache anymore.

You'd barely have enough for bus fare. Yes, we know.

I know I can't trust books like Everybody Loves You When You're Dead, but in that he came across as more freaked out and uncomfortable.

Nope, he's pretty open about his contempt.

That would be great. Also, damn me for leaving off the preposition and pronoun from the end of that sentence.

I'm sure someone's mentioned this, but it's not Wednesday. Thanks for making me think I had my Mass Effect RPG tonight, AVC.

This movie needed Ron Perlman

Wire's "Three Girl Rhumba" and Elastica's "Line Up"

Yeah, if either Offspring or Nerf Herder ripped off "Codo", I can't hear it.

Who didn't? They had a good arts program there.

Hugh Dancy? I haven't seen much of him outside Hannibal, but if he's able to pull it off…

We didn't have those at the video store I was working at back when I tried to get into him, sadly. Only his more modern stuff.

Then what are you doing on the internet? You're far too rational for these climes!

How long was Brand Upon the Brain? Or did that just seem like three hours?

I actually think it might have been Garbage Day, the column that picked up from Your Band Sucks, but was a little less directionless vitriol and a little more tempered in its music criticism.

Yes, but there's a dependency thing going on. You need them as much as they need you. You provide them with stability, direction, and a place to be. They provide you with infrastructure, and you all fraternize like the dickens.

Oh, absolutely. I have similar reasons for my entirely unironic love of Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer. Or any number of other films.

Yeah, I deserve this snub, I know it, you know it…

God, I hope not. Art, even uncomfortable art, shouldn't be swept under the rug. People should be free to express themselves however they wish, and we should be free to react however we wish.

Except with Harding, it's a little different. You're informally the boss of the Inquisition, yes, but as far as I can tell, you cannot directly fire any of your party members or your functionaries. And I'm pretty sure if you did, they'd either laugh at you or express outrage, since while there is a hierarchy, there is