
Far as I can tell? Maybe Harding, but while you can romance Harding, I'm with Penny Arcade on this one, it feels a little sexual-harassment-y to me.

Good, so we're in agreement.

Yeah, sadly someone beat you to the joy of correcting me, but yes, you're right about that.

Wouldn't know. Haven't seen him anything, though the look seems right.

Nicholas Hoult is a fairly intriguing proposition. I could possibly see him doing it? I'd need some convincing.

I couldn't get behind it, but I think that's because I was expecting a different kind of movie? Also, I hadn't seen Henry Fool. Maybe I'd have been better off watching The Girl From Monday as a start to trying to get into Hal Hartley?

Well, then I'm just as big a fan. Yeah, you need someone who can convincingly slip through roles easily. And…okay, while I know plenty of actresses could probably do that, and well, I'm blanking on who could do that and would be a guy. Probably some unknown.

Someone with incredible delivery. Not because it's a comedy, but because banter requires really good timing and delivery. Trying to think of who right now, but I don't know many younger actors who could pull it off.

Residual money is nice, but will I have to join the Friends of Red Jenny?

…okay, where in the seventh paragraph does it go into that? I saw a mention of Intolerance, but nothing about the reasons behind Intolerance.

I stand corrected. Thanks. It's been a while since I plunged into these waters. Sorry for the erroneous reading.

See, I'm just pissy because I'm used to being catered to. After all, I romanced Leliana in DA:O, and that was really sweet. I romanced Isabella in DAII, because I felt like the snark-to-snark combat went really well with the "slightly bleaker Sam Raimi show" feel I was going for, and because I didn't see the appeal of

And I have nothing against people who dig that kind of thing. I don't really want it, and Josephine is fun, but I think it's tempered with the bitterness of realizing that the one person I wanted to romance and the one person I made that interesting empathic connection with turned out to—

Can we cut the middleman and just adapt Scott Lynch's books? Please? I think I'd rather see him than Sanderson.

Cassandra's relationship gets surprisingly adorkable in places. I'm really pissed that my lady Inquisitor can't romance her and has to either sweep the functionary off her feet, or deal with the annoying chav-girl elf. And apparently while I am unique in stating this in this particular way, I don't think I'm entirely

I don't often like fast-travel unless the environment is really boring and dangerous. Like the later Elder Scrolls games. Or the more desolate stretches of Dragon Age Inquisition.

If it's not a personal anecdote, that'd probably be The Iron Bull.

There was a Something Awful article once that ranked bands as either "good", "important", or both. I think this is kind of the case here. Birth of a Nation is a well-made film, and one that heralded a lot of new techniques and ideas in filmmaking. But it is not a film that we can embrace with open arms, because the

He was so ashamed by the way people reacted to the movie and the way they thought he was a racist that he made a movie about intolerance through the ages called Intolerance, if I remember right.

You bastards!