
I may have gone a little too far with that adjective. In my defense, I had a brief presumptuous moment involving Tito Puente.

I don't have the full list off the top of my head. I just know that I've found sites that do good, heartfelt analysis instead of going for easy and mostly stupid writing.

Ah! A place to put the thing!

Wait, so that's why everyone just talks about projects and books they've read and stuff? I feel like such an idiot for not getting that before. And just in general, but it's nice to have specific pinpoint causes of idiocy.

You say that…but when the soft and salsa passages start to overwhelm the blistering and slanderous guitar, I start to wonder for myself.

…I want to make a Kiss Kiss Bang Bang reference here, but I'm sure I'd get deleted…

Well, a lot of them, though not all of them. A few of them just listened to too many goth bands and thought they were branching out into new territory that was actually claimed by everyone else starting (possibly, I'm not up on my musical history here) with bands back in the mid-to-late eighties, and of course

I remember hearing them and wondering why the fuck anyone would listen to them. I got accidentally exposed to the shit via being up too damn early and watching music videos (I didn't have a reliable radio station in those days) and got the refrain of "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous" stuck in my head. It was

I didn't think it was too bad? As far as big, sweeping, lush music goes, though, it's nowhere near the better albums on the spectrum.

Well, there are sites trying to change it…but, um, we're fighting the big "attention span" problem here, I'll be honest.

Especially if you take the wandering ghost thing to heart and randomly leap out at passersby while shouting "boogidy boogidy boogidy"

I do think that Sparta got the better of the deal for being a little more grounded, though.

And Veep is better than nothing. So by that logic…

I still feel like the dialogue is tighter and the comedy is a little more incisive, myself, but I can definitely see the issues with the show. I think at a certain point, it boils down to how much Capaldi you can take, as he's pretty much the person with the most presence on the screen.

I feel the same way about any group that openly and repeatedly engages in The Harold.

He used to be more of a troll. He got a shiny new username and is now only kind of a troll instead of going full-on

There are days I wish I could be Jackal Kaizer. And then I stop because I realize I wouldn't do it nearly as well. I can't believe I missed them when they played their first and only American show.

I'm thinking an old-westy folk-punk group from New York?

Hey, no one else is at the moment.