
1) The difference between Orphan Black and Penny Dreadful is that Orphan Black was incredibly well-received by both Tumblr and critics, whereas Penny Dreadful was not as well-received by Tumblr. Also, the actress you are thinking of is Tatiana Maslany, and she is really good for doing six roles on Orphan Black, three

Oh, I love Attack on Titian! And I hear they're doing a companion series about a three hundred foot Caravaggio!

Was she carving her initials on the side of it with a hyperspace toothbrush?

I saw a chubacabra eating a panino once down at Trader Vic's. His spines were perfect.

He's also an absentee!

Sir, I have mated two pieces of Ikea furniture and it looks nothing like that. How do you think I got this sweet, cushiony swivel chair?

Actually, yeah. Before he was a comic book character, he was an awesome cult novel character.

But if I kick rocks, beating it becomes so much less fun…

I completely agree. But playing the game that Dishonored actually is results in a game that feels a little…I dunno, smaller?

That isn't a line from Father Ted, is it? For some odd reason I keep hearing Dermot Morgan saying that.

And chillies…?

Movie last, the movie's called something like Deja Vu. It takes place after the series.

I dunno, I just felt like a lot of the american net culture stuff felt a little forced? It's been a while since I watched it, but as someone who just kind of likes the "feel" of certain things, it felt…off? Maybe it was always a little forceful, and it's just that with the American stuff, I recognized it more than the

No problem! Due to my below comment, I've gotten into watching anime again, so I've gotten some decent ideas of stuff.

Oh— that was based on my own viewing. Subbed the first time, and then dubbed because I had to watch it to review the character for my shameful, shameful hobby of con LARPing. By episode three, they stop dicking around and doing nothing, and by episode six I feel like it's become some kind of deranged time-travel

My own personal opinion is that if you can get them to hang on past episode 3, they're in for a treat. Past episode six and the plot starts to really tick. And then episode twelve is just balls-to-the-wall full-on oh my god.

I'd like to add Black Lagoon and Ergo Proxy to the list of good dubs.

I dunno, I felt like the localization J. Michael Tatum did with the script could have used some work.

Twenty-five episodes, one movie. And it's based off of a visual novel, but the series is more coherent from what I know of both.

That's what stops me from doing a dark run in every game with a morality system. I HATE the way the NPCs react to me. I feel kinda hurt. Especially when I play through the "light" way first.