
See, I liked doing that, but so much of the hype and everything surrounding the game went "OH MAN BUT YOU CAN KILL PEOPLE WITH RATBOMBS AND GET THEM DEVOURED AND ALL THIS STUFF" and when I played the game it was kind of the opposite of that, and while it had many awesome ambitions, those ambitions lay…in a different

I liked Dishonored and Deus Ex: HR, because it made me think a little more. From a third-person perspective, a little of the tension goes away. It makes me, um, what's the word? Competent. It makes me feel too competent.

I just didn't find the unrelenting bleakness after all the murder and storming the conspirator's palace all that satisfying, I guess. Despite being cynical, I think I'm weirdly optimistic.

I love nonlethal, I just felt like the game had a ton of truly ridiculous options, and I actively eschewed all of them to snipe everyone with tranquilizer darts. The "fate worse than death" options for each target were awesome and I took a sadistic pleasure in exacting my revenge that way rather than killing everyone

I think the worst was Dishonored, personally. If you take the time to play with all the pretty toys the game gives you, you get a satisfying game, but not a satisfying ending. To get the satisfying ending, you have to play the most boring way possible.

Depends. If the narrative is obvious enough, I will screw with the system just to create a mess of things. I don't like it when I'm led through by the nose. Otherwise, I'll play my character the way I can. This actually caused a lot of trouble in Mass Effect 3, where the endings I was allowed to choose (even during

What, never?

Wellll obviously. Though even on a bad day, She-Hulk would handle even his levels of crazy pretty well. In fact, it'd probably support them. Granted, I haven't watched much more than the first few seasons of his shows, but I'm cautiously optimistic the batshit that is She-Hulk would work in his favor.

Come on, everyone knows it's only a Duplass when you top-deck it.

Future! Commitment! Babies! Commitment! Future!

This just reminds me how much I would like to see a David E. Kelley She-Hulk show.

That brings up a good point. I think he'd make a perfect Baron von Strucker and practically walk away with the entire franchise in his back pocket.

I think the terrorist comment was an offhand remark to Mohd's previous name, where he did much more blatant trolling.

I kind of treat Mohd as a broken clock. Mostly wrong, but occasionally, he does get it right. Not often, though.

On behalf of Tony Shaloub, I take offense to that.

I feel like this is head-nodding, but honestly? I do, too.

Since someone mentioned World/Inferno earlier, I'd like to nominate "Me Vs. Angry Mob" by The World/Inferno Friendship Society

"Sixth Sense" - Kiss Kiss.

I have two ears and a heart, don't I? Fuck the hell no it isn't.

I have this secret hope that one day The Rugburns will cover "Albuquerque". I don't know why, it's a moderately terrible idea.